
  • 网络abilene;Abilene, KS
  1. 在阿比林,这些牛被运上火车送往芝加哥。

    At Abilene , the cattle were put on trains and carried to Chicago .

  2. 没人想去阿比林。

    No one wanted to go to Abilene .

  3. 尽管得到优惠,有很多学院,他决定参加哈尔滨-西蒙斯大学阿比林,得克萨斯,因为它靠近他的家。

    Despite receiving offers from many colleges , he decided to attend Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene , Texas because it was close to his home .

  4. 阿比林基督教大学的教育硕士学习的领导是基于信念,在线计划旨在帮助作为教育的领导者谁在促进安全和生产指导你

    Abilene Christian University 's Master of Education in Leadership of Learning is a faith-based , online program designed to empower you as an educational leader who

  5. 他们4个人开车从位于得克萨斯中心的科尔曼向北行驶,目的地是53英里外的阿比林。

    So there are four of them in this car heading north from Coleman in the heart of Texas to the town of Abilene , some 53 miles away .

  6. 另外,你可以在任何似乎要做出糟糕决策的会议上,经常尝试喊出这样的问题:我们在通往阿比林的道路上吗?

    Alternatively , you could always just try shouting are we on the road to Abilene here ? in any meeting that looks as though it is going to come up with a bad decision .