
  • 网络Secret Service;United States Secret Service;US Secret Service;USSS
  1. 今天,美国特工处处长在国会山出席听证会,议员将就白宫的安全漏洞问她一些尖锐的问题。

    Head of Secret Service was on Capitol Hill today , facing some tough questions from lawmakers about security breaches in the White House .

  2. 由于美国特工处决定应该取消布什总统与女王同乘马车这一传统项目,示威者便装扮成相似的人物,乘上他们自己的双轮马车穿行在伦敦街道上。

    Since the U.S. Secret Service decided that President Bush should forgo the traditional carriage ride with the Queen , demonstrators dressed up as look-alikes and took their own horse-drawn buggy through the streets of London .

  3. 美国特工处已经将这些人送回美国,目前正对他们进行调查。据称这些人周三晚上在卡塔赫纳酒店中召妓,并和其中一位妓女发生报酬纠纷。

    The US Secret Service , which has sent the men back to the United States , is investigating claims they brought prostitutes to their hotel rooms in Cartagena late Wednesday and had a dispute over payment with one of the women .