- 网络intelligence agencies

Targets of the surveillance programs have included high-profile figures like Angela Merkel , the German chancellor , whose cellphone conversations American intelligence agencies are suspected of monitoring .
While Apple has sought to distance itself from Silicon Valley peers such as Google over its handling of personal information , especially as it moves into new areas such as health tracking and payments , the iPhone maker has faced criticism in China for allegedly revealing " state secrets " to US intelligence agencies .
A diplomatic dispute over surveillance deepened yesterday as European ministers reacted with disbelief and fury to reports that EU offices had been bugged by US intelligence services .
Thanks to Edward Snowden , the US intelligence contractor gone rogue , we know that Verizon did something quite similar .
For example , the EU scrapped its data-sharing agreement with the US last year following the revelations about data gathering by US security agencies in documents leaked by US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden .
Berlin has expelled the head of US intelligence in Germany over claims that the CIA has been recruiting spies in the country as the latest transatlantic spying row threatens to hit relations between the two allies .
Thanks to the leaked revelations of former National Security Agency ( NSA ) contractor Edward Snowden in 2013 , we learned that the U.S. intelligence agency is actively sifting through e-mails , search histories and phone records of millions of innocent people , looking for potential terrorist activity .
Secret detention facilities run by the U.S. intelligence community will shut down .
At the same time , a number of reports said a U.S. intelligence review also proved inconclusive .
From the Strategic Intelligence Service to the Central Intelligence Group ; Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux , Aslib
European officials are railing against reports US intelligence agencies have bugged EU offices on both sides of the Atlantic .
Edward Snowden disclosed information about highly classified programs in U.S. intelligence agencies that led the government secretly collect information on Americans .
American intelligence agencies say Iran halted a weapons program in2003.but President Bush and some other leaders say Iran is still a danger .
Despite that American intelligence finding , neither Israel nor many other governments believe that Iran has given up its interest in nuclear weapons .
According to reports , US intelligence agencies had privately backed the venture , hoping to be able to monitor calls made over the new network .
Thus Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden , putting an end to a decade-long manhunt that had bedeviled America 's intelligence agencies .
If EU offices in Brussels and Washington were indeed monitored by US intelligence services , that can hardly be explained with the argument of fighting terrorism .
China 's official defence budget grew 18 per cent to $ 45bn this year – and US intelligence has suggested it might really be closer to $ 125bn .
The Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo has published a classified document purportedly showing that US security services monitored more than 60 million Spanish telephone calls in a single month .
Apple has frequently come under fire fromChinese state media , which accused the company of providing user data to U.S.intelligence agencies and have called for ' severe punishment ' .
Sutyagin was serving a 15-year prison sentence , after being ed of sending classified information to a British firm that Russian authorities said was a front for U.S. intelligence .
We cannot say for certain that if US intelligence agencies had tapped the Afghan phone network sooner , we would have intercepted evidence in time to stop the 9 / 11 attacks .
Tuesday brought a fresh and astonishing twist : the news that the US intelligence agencies have briefed both the president and the president-elect on a series of damaging allegations made against Mr Trump .
Awkwardly for Mr Obama , the summit has coincided with revelations about the vast mining of personal phone records and internet data by US intelligence as part of their effort to prevent terror attacks .
The 18-month long review is said to have involved US intelligence agencies and other departments at the inquiry of the White House , and it also concluded there was no evidence of active spying from Huawei .
Does everyone remember the news articles in the aftermath of 9 / 11 regarding the inability of the United States intelligence community to gather relevant information in a way that allowed them to communicate effectively with each other ?
Technology companies are spending big money this year to build political support as Washington debates issues critical to the sector from tax , to increasing the number of visas for skilled migrants to greater oversight of US intelligence agencies .
As such , Mr Goodlatte deals with issues of deep concern to technology companies , who want more skilled engineers , an improved patent system , and reassurances that US intelligence agents are not hacking into their data centres .
The Pentagon has its own cyber warriors , as do America 's intelligence agencies .
Remember that it was intelligence agencies of the U.S. , in partnership with Israel , that turned deep knowledge of the numerous variants of Microsoft 's Windows operating system combined with specialized knowledge of industrial control systems to create the Stuxnet worm that damaged the Iranian nuclear research program .