
NMD program which threatens global strategic stability might be formally put into practice over technological obstacles and the oppositions from U.S.European allies , Russian , and China .
It 's an important component of the NMD plan of USA.
Independent Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says many experts in Russia do not consider the proposal a threat to Russia 's nuclear arsenal .
China has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the United States ' plan for missile defense . Talking China out of its trenchant opposition to NMD is going to be tough .
Their agenda then , as now , was a discussion of America 's missile-defense system plans .
The ministers will also hold talks on new areas of cooperation with Russia , and the new U.S. approach to missile defense .
It feels it can strong-arm foreign energy companies , and object anew to things which Russia seemed to have accepted , like America 's missile-defence plans .
S.long-range missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic , in favor of a layered regional system aimed at countering the medium range missiles Iran currently has .
I know Russia opposes the planed configuration for missile defense in Europe , and my administration is reviewing these plans to enhance the security of America , Europe and the world .
Duguid also said the need for a missile-defense system would diminish if efforts by the United States , Russia and other major powers to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear weapons can show success .