
  • 网络Llama;alpaca;Lama;Lama glama
  1. 美洲驼和骆驼是近亲物种。

    The llama is related to the camel .

  2. 你记得吗?她30岁生日时的马戏团小丑和他的美洲驼?

    Your remember her , uh , 30th birthday with the clown and his llama ?

  3. 美洲驼既不会咬人也不会踢人。

    Llamas won 't bite or kick .

  4. clown:小丑llama:美洲驼你记得吗?她30岁生日时的马戏团小丑和他的美洲驼?goover:[美国口语]大受欢迎;

    Your remember her , uh , 30th birthday with the clown and his llama ? -

  5. 美洲驼敏感又聪明,能辅助治疗人的疾病。

    LLAMAS are sensitive and intelligent animals that are effective therapy assistants to humans .

  6. 海豚宝宝和美洲驼宝宝。

    Baby dolphin and baby llamas .

  7. 你妈妈是只美洲驼吗?

    Is your mama a llama ?

  8. 无峰驼其它各种美洲驼属的哺乳的动物,如南美羊驼和红褐色美洲驼。

    Any of various other mammals of the genus Lama , such as the alpaca and guanaca .

  9. 鹿,马,浣熊,熊和美洲驼的骆驼祖先通过这座“桥”来到南美洲。

    Deer , horses , raccoons , bears and the camel ancestors of llamas moved south across the bridge .

  10. 此外,为了保护家畜,可以考虑饲养能看家的动物如狗,驴,美洲驼甚至鸵鸟。

    And to protect livestock , consider using guard animals such as dogs , donkeys , llamas and even ostriches .

  11. 在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。

    A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile 's Atacama Desert .

  12. 尽管美洲驼们努力专心吃草、不问世事,但似乎还是被络绎不绝的游客给惊扰了。

    Even the llamas trying to eat grass and mind their own business seemed irritated by the volumes of tourists .

  13. 艾马拉人居住在阿塔卡马的荒芜的高原上,他们饲养美洲驼以获取肉食和皮毛。

    Atacama 's barren high plateaus are home to the Aymara people , who raise llamas for their meat and wool .

  14. 科学家让大学生们收听来自不同文化的男性录音带,从罗马尼亚的大学生到阿根廷美洲驼的牧民,各色各样。

    Scientists asked undergraduates to listen to recordings of men from a variety of cultures : from Romanian college students to Argentinian llama herders .

  15. 最近,在北京的一次宣传活动上,成龙和一群孩子们在舞台上又唱又跳,还领着一只美洲驼。

    During a recent promotional event in Beijing , he sang and danced with a group of children and led a hairy llama on stage .

  16. 结果表明,羊驼与骆马和美洲驼存在的遗传差异相对比羊驼与原驼大,为传统分类学中的羊驼是原驼驯化以后的一种家养驼的提法提供了分子学依据。

    The results showed that genetic difference between alpaca and vicuna , llama were comparatively more than genetic difference between alpaca and guanaco . The results made it possible that in the traditional taxonomy alpaca was breeding camel after domestic guanaco , and provided molecular basis for the traditional taxonomy .

  17. 在美洲相当于骆驼的是美洲驼。

    Camels are represented in the New World by llamas .