
  1. 超越美国石油协会API质量等级标准。

    API American petroleum Institute goes beyond the quality and grade standards .

  2. 如:API(美国石油学会);

    For example , API ( American Petroleum Institute );

  3. 美国石油协会(API)手册是一种重要的数据手册,常为炼油生产者及设计者所采用。

    The American Petroleum Institute ( API ) Data-Book is an important tool being widely used in petroleum refining industry .

  4. 探讨管系设计方法和介绍著名的美国石油学会(API)管系标准。

    A pipeline design method is discussed and the famous American Petroleum Institute ( API ) pipeline standard is also introduced .

  5. 美国石油协会(API)不代表、警告或保证这样的产品实际上符合API推荐作法的应用。

    API does not represent , warrant , or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard .

  6. 这方面最著名的事例莫过于中国国有企业中海油(ChinaNationalOffshoreOilCo.)于2005年出价185亿美元收购美国石油公司加州联合石油(Unocal)。

    This , most famously , happened when state-owned China National Offshore Oil Co. , or CNOOC , bid $ 18.5 billion to buy oil-producer Unocal in 2005 .

  7. 根据美国石油学会API标准规定,采用管体取样压平试样的屈服强度表征输油管体屈服强度。

    API regulates that the yield strength of flatten specimen from pipe body is used to characterized the yield strength of oil pipeline body .

  8. 美国石油保持在每桶82美元的价格,布伦特(Brent)原油为每桶85美元。

    US oil is holding at $ 82 a barrel and Brent at $ 85 .

  9. 原油通常分为轻型,中型或重型,所指的是对美国石油学会(API)严重程度的规模衡量。

    Crude oil is commonly classified as light , medium or heavy , referring to its gravity as measured on the American Petroleum Institute ( API ) Scale .

  10. 多驾驶支持(MDS)插件提供美国石油协会必需品到通路这些个多个使用者-看得见的驾驶。

    The Multiple Drive Support ( MDS ) Plug-in provides the APIs necessary to access these multiple user-visible drives .

  11. 英国能源集团英国石油(bp)在墨西哥湾发现一处“巨型”油田,显示美国石油生产的新局面正在展开。

    BP , the UK energy group , has discovered a " giant " oil field in the Gulf of Mexico that shows a new frontier opening up for us oil production .

  12. 美国石油地质师学会(AmericanAssociationofPetroleumGeologists)表示,2005年,一名拥有20-24年工作经验的地质师的平均工资为11.3万美元,而去年则增加到了16.7万美元。

    The average salary for a geologist with 20-24 years of experience went from $ 113,000 in 2005 to $ 167,000 last year , said the American Association of Petroleum geologists .

  13. 这些违约许多都来自于债台高筑的美国石油出口商,比如目前正寻求破产保护的能源XXI(EnergyXXI)。

    Many of these stem from highly indebted US oil explorers , such as Energy XXI , which is now seeking bankruptcy protection .

  14. OPEC在周一公布的每月石油报告中,对美国石油产量何时开始下降提出猜想。

    OPEC made its own guess about when production might begin declining in the United States in its monthly oil report , published on Monday .

  15. 针对美国石油学会(API)制定的套管强度计算公式中引用的若干个修正系数理论意义不明确的问题,讨论了API套管多个属性参量的分布规律和分布参数。

    Aiming at the problem of equivocal correction coefficient formulas of casing strength quoted in the American Petroleum Institute ( API ), the regularities and distribution of parameters for casing properties of API were discussed .

  16. 介绍美国石油协会(API)提出的基于风险的检测方法(RBI)的主要内容和应用范围,论述了当前国内石化工业应用这种方法的重要性。

    Main contents and application range of Risk-Based Inspection ( RBI ) proposed by API are expounded and the importance of RBI application in domestic petrochemical industry is described as well .

  17. 世界石油中心的转移、OPEC的建立以及美国石油霸权的削弱都是双方在世界石油市场中博弈的表现与结果。

    The shift of the world oil center , the establishment of OPEC and the gradually weakening of American oil hegemony all result from the games between USA and the Middle East .

  18. 介绍了石油工业用油管套管和管体特殊扣联接接头性能的发展情况,以及美国石油学会API标准中对套管的机械性能,硬度等指标的规定。

    To introduce the development of casing tube used in oil industry and properties of special junction of buckle joint for tube body , and the stipulations of index in API Standard such as mechanical properties , hardness etc. of casing tube .

  19. 今明两年美国石油产量将出现增长,尽管自去年6月中旬以来油价下跌了60%,并且欧佩克(OPEC)实行了旨在遏制北美页岩油繁荣的政策。

    US oil production will increase this year and next despite the 60 per cent slide in oil prices since mid-June and an Opec policy designed to rein in the North American shale boom .

  20. 2005年竞购美国石油巨头尤尼科(unocal)流产后,中国买家改变了方式,现在愿意满足于收购少数股权。

    In a reversal of the abortive 2005 bid for us oil major Unocal , Chinese buyers are willing to settle for minority stakes .

  21. 美国石油产量已飙升至10年来最高水平,原因是企业利用水力压裂(fracking)技术开采所谓的页岩储层。

    US oil production has surged to a 10-year peak after companies tapped so-called shale reservoirs , using a technique called hydraulic fracturing or " fracking " .

  22. 2005年中国国有企业中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)试图以185亿美元收购美国石油企业优尼科(Unocal),但由于强大的政治阻力而失败。

    In 2005 , a $ 18.5bn bid by state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation for Unocal , the US oil company , failed because of fierce political resistance .

  23. 雪佛龙(Chevron)去年表示,将考虑大幅扩建西澳大利亚近海的高更(Gorgon)天然气项目,此前这家美国石油集团及其合作伙伴批准了一项430亿澳元的初期投资计划。

    Chevron last year said it would consider a big expansion of its Gorgon natural gas project off the Western Australian coast , after the US oil group and its partners approved a A $ 43bn initial spending programme .

  24. 堪培拉方面的决定,为美国石油集团雪佛龙(Chevron)开发西澳离岸天然气田做出最终投资决定铺平了道路。雪佛龙拥有高更项目50%的股权,并且是该项目的运营商。

    Canberra 's decision paves the way for Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , to make its final investment decision to develop the project 's gas fields off the coast of Western Australia .

  25. 对于该共聚物的定量测定,美国石油学会推荐用于聚合物HPAM的漂白法不适用,而显色法(淀粉碘化镉法)经改进后在室内实验研究和矿场监测中均可用于该共聚物的分析。

    The sodium hypochlorite method recommended in API RP 63 for HPAM is shown not applicable to quantitative analysis of this copolymer while another recommended one , color development reaction method , properly modified and improved is fit to this purpose in laboratory study and field monitoring .

  26. 高更项目的运营商、持有该项目50%股权的美国石油集团雪佛龙(chevron)尚未正式决定推进该项目,不过,作为最后一块里程碑的“最终投资决定”,据信在几周内就会作出。

    Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , is yet to sign off officially on the project , however , a " final investment decision " , the last remaining milestone , is thought to be only weeks away .

  27. 问题的某些方面已为人们所熟知巨型美国石油追踪基金uso的规模已经如此巨大,以至于当该基金对其优先期货合同的投资进行换单展期时,会导致市场主体出现剧烈波动。

    Some parts of the problem are well known the huge US oil Tracker Fund USO is now so big that when it rolls over its investment in the underlying futures contracts it causes the main market to move violently .

  28. 过去十年,铌价格几乎翻了一番,去年达到约每吨2.3万美元&对CBMM和持有其大规模少数股权的美国石油集团优尼科(Unocal)可谓好处多多,但对于钢铁制造商则是一个问题。

    The price of niobium has nearly doubled over the past decade to about $ 23,000 a tonne last year – a boon for CBMM and for Unocal , the US oil group that owns a large minority stake in the group , but a problem for steelmakers .

  29. 美国石油地缘战略与中东地区安全

    U.S Oil Geological Strategy and Regional Security in the Middle East

  30. 美国石油政策:市场化及其有效性

    U.S. Oil Policy : A More Market-Oriented One and its Validity