
  • 网络United States Secretary of Energy
  1. 美国能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)去年表示,水力压裂技术可能造成污染,因此联邦监管势在必行。

    Steven Chu , the US energy secretary , said last year that fracking could be linked to pollution , and that federal regulations were inevitable .

  2. 这项协议是在美国能源部长朱棣文的呼吁以及10月和11月的两份报告提出中国应该接纳CCS之后签署的。

    The agreement follows calls from US secretary for energy Steven Chu and two reports , published in October and November , suggesting that China should embrace CCS .

  3. 美国能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)在3月份告诉国会,征收碳边境税会有助于保证美国与碳排放标准比较宽松的国家之间的公平竞争。

    In March , Steven Chu , US energy secretary , told Congress that a carbon border tax would help " level the playing field " with countries with looser carbon standards .

  4. 美国能源部长欧内斯特•莫尼兹(ErnestMoniz)表示,发展“清洁煤”技术将帮助美国和中国的煤炭行业,并防止更多失业。

    Developing " clean coal " technology would help the coal sector in the US and China and prevent further job losses , according to US energy secretary Ernest Moniz .

  5. 在将这份报告提交给美国能源部长塞缪尔博德曼(samuelbodman)之前,国家石油委员会将于今日在华盛顿举行的一次会议上,对该报告进行表决。

    The report will be voted on by the NPC at a meeting in Washington this morning , before being presented to Samuel Bodman , the energy secretary .

  6. 此次对话将于今日进入最后一天。美国能源部长萨姆•布罗德曼(SamBrodman)将会提议,两国在能源效率和替代燃料技术方面深化合作。

    The dialogue enters its final day today , with Sam Brodman , US energy secretary , set to propose deepening co-operation with China on energy efficiency and alternative fuel technologies .

  7. 2008年6月,当世界石油生产国和消费国在沙特的吉达召开紧急峰会时,时任美国能源部长塞缪尔博德曼(samuelbodman)向沙特传达了一条简单的信息:立即增加石油产量。

    When world oil producers and consumers convened in Jeddah for an emergency summit in June 2008 , Samuel Bodman , then US energy secretary , had a simple message for Saudi Arabia : pump more oil now .

  8. 美国能源部长朱棣文在北京清华大学对挤满会场的听众们说,气候变化问题日益严峻,而且十分紧迫。

    Energy Secretary Stephen Chu told an overflow audience at Beijing 's Tsinghua University that climate change is a growing and urgent problem .

  9. 美国能源部长萨姆?博德曼(sambodman)昨日警告,油价不仅推高了美国的通胀,也已开始拖累美国的经济增长。

    Sam bodman , the US energy secretary , yesterday warned that as well as pushing inflation higher , oil prices were starting to damp US economic growth .

  10. 美国能源部长朱棣文到场参加了讨论。他说,加勒比海和其他地方的岛国受到全球变暖效应的影响将是最严重的。

    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu was on hand for discussions , and said island nations in the Caribbean and elsewhere would be hardest-hit by the effects of global warming .

  11. 2012年,美国能源部长朱棣文呼吁大力帮扶电池领域,希望科学家能在五年内研究出五倍电量的电池。

    In 2012 US energy secretary Steven Chu called for a big push to improve batteries , challenging scientists to produce a battery with five times the capacity within five years .

  12. 上周美国新任能源部长朱棣文(StevenChu)似乎赞同这一想法。

    Last week Steven Chu , new energy secretary , seemed to endorse this idea .

  13. 施莱辛格在尼克松总统和福特总统在位期间担任国防部长一职,并在卡特总统在位期间成为美国首位能源部长。

    Schlesinger was defense secretary under Presidents Nixon and Ford and was the nation 's first energy secretary under President Carter .

  14. 而在俄国驻华盛顿大使馆,两国共同庆祝长久以来的合作关系,美国副能源部长丹尼尔·菲尼曼称其为“世界史上最成功的防止核扩散协议。”

    At the Russian embassy in Washington , both countries celebrated the long-running partnership , which U.S. Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman called " the most successful nonproliferation agreement in the history of the world . "

  15. 据法新社报道,美国能源部部长、诺贝尔物理学奖得主朱隶文称中国最近的创新成果让美国感受到了“苏联卫星上天时刻”的那种压力。

    US Energy Secretary , Nobel Laureate physicist Steve Chu , has called China 's recent green innovations a " Sputnik moment " and urged the US to ramp up investment in clean energy , AFP reports .

  16. 美国能源部代理副部长库普福说,石油价格显然过高。

    U.S. acting Deputy Secretary of Energy Jeffrey Kupfer said oil prices are clearly too high .

  17. 希伯已经组建了一个蓝筹股董事会,成员包括美国前国务卿康多莉扎•赖斯和美国前能源部长斯潘塞•亚伯拉罕。

    Siebel has recruited a blue chip board , including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham .

  18. 总统还提名空气质量专家吉娜·麦卡锡担任美国环保局局长,核物理学家欧内斯特·莫尼兹担任美国能源部部长。

    The President has also appointed air quality expert Gina McCarthy to lead the EPA and nuclear physicist Ernest Moniz to head the Department of Energy .