
  • 网络appenzell;AppenZeller;Appenzel
  1. 然而阿彭策尔是一个虔诚而保守的地方,一时间涌入的大量的裸体远足者极大地冒犯了当地人。

    But Appenzell is a deeply devout and conservative canton , and the influx of naked hikers has offended many locals .

  2. 裸体旅行成为越来越受欢迎的休闲活动,对于喜欢只穿靴子旅行的欧洲人来说,小镇阿彭策尔成了好去处。

    Naked hiking has become an increasingly popular pastime , and a tiny canton Appenzell has become a favourite spot for people from across Europe who like to hike wearing only a good pair of boots .