
  • 网络Burj Al Arab;BurjAl-Arab
  1. 疯狂河道水上乐园位于超美的阿拉伯塔酒店前面,有30个水上项目,适合全家人游玩。

    Situated in front of the stunning Burj Al Arab , Wild Wadi offers 30 rides and attractions for all the family .

  2. 阿拉伯塔无疑是一个豪华的酒店拥有自己的劳斯莱斯车队,私人购物专家和直升机降落平台。

    Burj Al Arab is arguably one of the most luxurious hotels in the world with its own Rolls Royce fleet , private shopper and helicopter landing platform .

  3. 世界上最豪华的酒店&阿拉伯塔酒店

    Burj Al-Arab Hotel : The Most Luxury Hotel in the World

  4. 这座城市坐拥地球上最高的建筑——哈利法塔,还有阿拉伯塔酒店——坐落在人工岛上的帆船造型酒店。

    The city is home to the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa - as well as the Burj Al Arab , a sail-shaped hotel that sits on its own artificial island .