
  • 网络arnhem
  1. 意大利将在周四在阿纳姆与英格兰比赛。

    Italy play England on Thursday in Arnhem .

  2. 阿纳姆中心,阿纳姆,荷兰

    Arnhem Central , Arnhem , the Netherlands 1996-2009

  3. 在阿纳姆,她和母亲隐姓埋名,而且刻意说着一口佛兰芒语而不是她们更常用的法语和英语。

    In Arnham , she and her mother lived under assumed names and took care to speak Flemish rather than their more usual French and English .

  4. 在不同的动物园工作过——荷兰的阿纳姆动物园,在婆罗洲也工作了很长一段时间,还有亚特兰大。

    Worked in different zoos - Arnhem Zoo in Holland , worked in Borneo quite consistently , Atlanta

  5. 这一检查结果也保证了他返回老家阿纳姆的计划没有推迟太久。

    The positive scan also ensured that a return to his native Arnhem was not postponed for long .

  6. 死海卷轴经由三种文字撰写而成,分别为:希伯来语、阿纳姆语和希腊语。既包含一些《希伯来圣经》书卷经文早期抄本,还包含一些比其他为人熟知的文学作品早千年之久的文献。

    The scrolls , written in Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek , include the earliest-known copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible -- some 1000 years older than other known works .

  7. 本来应该选在阿纳姆,那是二战中声名狼藉的“桥梁遥远”事件的现场,雄心勃勃、不可一世盟军作战计划在此以彻底失败告终。

    It should have taken place in Arnhem , the site of World War II 's infamous " bridge too far ," where an overly ambitious Allied battle plan ended in disaster .

  8. 也许军方还有更大的错误,他们没有在阿纳姆认真评估一下德军的实力。

    It was perhaps more the fault of the military that no serious assessment had been made of the German forces at Arnhem . But there was a limit to what Sigint could do .

  9. 雪莉·伯费已去世的父亲曾在阿纳姆战斗,并总是乐于回溯他的经历。那主要是一段关于太迟抵达战场以致无法成为英雄的自我贬低的故事。

    Shirley Boffey 's father , now dead , fought at Arnhem and was always happy to reminisce about his experiences , mainly a self-deprecating account of arriving on the battlefield too late to be a hero .