
  • 网络Calgary;University of Calgary;Calgary, Canada;Calgary,AB;YYC
  1. 卡尔加里动物园一直从中国进口新鲜竹子,但是自从3月份大部分航班受疫情影响停飞以来,就一直面临竹子供应的难题。

    The Calgary Zoo had been importing fresh bamboo from China , but struggled to meet the pandas needs when the coronavirus grounded most flights in March .

  2. 2007年初始,加拿大卡尔加里(calgary)禁烟。

    At the start of 2007 , Calgary went smoke-free .

  3. 11月27日,卡尔加里动物园表示,经过“数月的努力”,终于拿到了国际通行证,“把我们喜爱的大熊猫送回家”。

    The zoo said on Friday that after " months and months of hard work " it had secured international permits " to get our beloved pandas home to China " .

  4. 今年5月,卡尔加里动物园宣布,他们不得不提前四年把这两只大熊猫送回国,这样它们就可以在中国享用到足够多的新鲜竹子了。

    In May , the zoo announced it would have to return the two animals four years earlier than planned so that they could enjoy China 's abundant supply of fresh bamboo instead .

  5. 卡尔加里动物园表示,他们的工作人员与圣地亚哥动物园以及阳光海岸护育基地合作安排每周新鲜竹子的运送,但寻找合适的竹子品种费时又费钱。

    The zoo said staff worked with the San Diego Zoo and Suncoast Nursery to arrange weekly shipments of fresh bamboo , but the process of finding the right bamboo has been expensive and time-consuming .

  6. 总部位于加拿大卡尔加里的能源投资银行TristoneCapital周二预测说,明年的平均油价将降至每桶50美元。

    Calgary-based energy investment bank Tristone Capital on Tuesday forecast oil prices would average $ 50 next year .

  7. 加拿大卡尔加里哈斯卡尼商学院(HaskayneSchoolofBusiness)教授彼得•雪拉说,这种高流动模式或许是一种恶性循环。

    The high turnover model may be a self-fulfilling prophecy , according to Peter Sherer , a professor at the haskayne School of business in Calgary , Canada .

  8. 在卡尔加里大学卡尔加里,AB,通过环境设计学院建筑提供认可的专业硕士课程。

    The University of Calgary , in Calgary , AB , offers an accredited professional master 's program in Architecture through the Faculty of Environmental Design .

  9. 加利福尼亚州卡尔弗市的SPF建筑事务所最近发布了他们为加拿大卡尔加里市设计的坎托斯国家音乐中心。

    Culver City , California based firm , SPF Architects recently presented their design concept for the Cantos National Music Center for Calgary .

  10. 在加拿大卡尔加里(Calgary)的一家酒吧里,受到鼓励之后,瑜伽爱好者们给这种古代艺术增添了新的变化:愤怒瑜伽(RageYoga)。

    In a pub in Calgary , Canada , yogaenthusiasts are encouraged to do just that with a new twist on an ancient art : Rage Yoga .

  11. 吴林(Wulin,音),40岁,加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里

    Wulin , 40 , Calgary , Alberta , Canada

  12. 白天,约翰莱昂(johnlyon)在美国内华达大学(universityofnevada)工作,晚上,作为一个“科技人”,他为加拿大卡尔加里的cambrianhouse软件公司工作,平均每晚一个小时。

    By day , John Lyon works at the University of Nevada . In the evenings , as " techguy " , he works for a Calgary-based software company called Cambrian house , putting in an average of an hour a night .

  13. 中国新任驻卡尔加里总领事王新平以及许多被大型中国投资者收购的卡尔加里企业(包括尼克森公司(NexenInc.))的代表也出席了开业庆典。

    Others on hand included China 's newly arrived consul general in Calgary , Wang Xinping , and representatives from many of the Calgary-based firms bought out by large Chinese investors , including Nexen Inc.

  14. 尼格博士是加拿大卡尔加里大学(UniversityofCalgary)的运动学荣誉退休教授,也是世界上一流的生物力学专家之一,对于合适的鞋可以改变和纠正人的跑步姿势、减少伤害这种观点,他很怀疑它是否具有切实的科学依据。

    An emeritus professor of kinesiology at the University of Calgary in Canada and one of the world 's foremost experts on biomechanics , Dr. Nigg wondered whether science really supports the idea that the right shoes can alter and fix someone 's running form and lessen injuries .

  15. 来自加拿大卡尔加里大学的PrezemyslawPrusinkiewicz教授同来在英国和瑞典的科学家们进行着这项研究。

    Professor Prezemyslaw Prusinkiewicz of the University of Calgary in Canada led the research with scientists from Britain and Sweden .

  16. 卡尔加里经济发展局(CalgaryEconomicDevelopment)电影专员卢克·阿塞韦多(LukeAzevedo)表示,艾伯塔省的制片活动显著增多。去年,电影《荒野猎人》(TheRevenant)和电视剧《冰血暴》(Fargo)的很多场景都是在卡尔加里拍摄的。

    Luke Azevedo , the film commissioner for Calgary Economic Development , said there had been a notable rise in production in Alberta , where large portions of the movie " The Revenant " and the television series " Fargo " were filmed last year .

  17. “要做(药物)测试,我们就必需要有癌细胞培养。”AruNarendran,一名卡尔加里大学的医生和研究员表示。

    " To do ( drug ) tests we need to have cancer cells in cultures ," said Aru Narendran , a physician and researcher at the University of Calgary .

  18. 我要到卡尔加里大学学习。

    I am going to study at the University of Calgary .

  19. 室内的池堂和花园。加拿大卡尔加里。

    Indoor pond and garden . Calgary , Alberta , Canada .

  20. 他在卡尔加里的西南区长大。

    He grew up in the south western part of calgary .

  21. 这是惊人的,你是一个小公司,卡尔加里。

    It 's amazing that you are a little company from Calgary .

  22. 卡尔加里大学的创新小组为这些分子申请了一个临时的专利。

    Aprovisional patent has been filed on these molecules by Innovates Calgary .

  23. 卡尔加里市鸡胸支架治疗草案:初步报道

    The Calgary protocol for bracing of pectus carinatum : a preliminary report

  24. 因为26年前的这一天,他出生在卡尔加里。

    Because on this day26 years ago , he was born in Calgary .

  25. 工商银行进驻卡尔加里的想法由来已久。

    The bank 's presence in Calgary is a long time in coming .

  26. 她来自加拿大的卡尔加里。

    She comes from Calgary , Alberta , Canada .

  27. 卡尔加里精神分裂症抑郁量表(中文版)信效度初步分析

    Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia

  28. 围绕着卡尔加里冬奥会的投标热是奥林匹克运动的一次重大转折。

    The bidding fever surrounding Calgary was a critical point in the Olympic turnaround .

  29. 詹金斯在他的家乡加拿大的卡尔加里也有犯罪历史。

    Jenkins also has a criminal history in his hometown of Calgary , Canada .

  30. 它们将在多伦多和卡尔加里度过未来的十年时光。

    They will spend the next ten years at zoos in Toronto and Calgary .