
lù qiáo
  • land bridge
陆桥 [lù qiáo]
  • [land bridge] 连接两块大陆的陆地,如地质史上的连接亚洲和北美洲的陆地,和现在连接北美洲和南美洲的巴拿马地峡

陆桥[lù qiáo]
  1. 新陆桥(连云港)码头有限公司

    New land Bridge ( lianyungang ) Terminal Company Limited

  2. 据说当时有很多人步行穿过陆桥,并在美洲居住下来,当时这一举动在人类历史上尚属首次。

    It is believed that people walked across this land bridge and populated the Americas for the first time in human history .

  3. 关于发展陆桥沿线旅游经济的思考

    Ideas on the Development of Tourist Economy Along the Continental Bridge

  4. 陆桥通道旅客出行选择特征

    Travel choice characteristics of transportation corridor of Europe - Asia

  5. 陆桥经济研究20年:回顾与前瞻

    20 Years ' Research on Continental Bridge Economy : Review and Prospect

  6. 昔日连接突尼斯与意大利的陆桥。

    A land bridge that once connected Tunisia and italy .

  7. 用平车制成的陆桥和臂木式号志机。蒜头车站。

    A flat car was to be a bridge at Suan-Tou Station .

  8. 这些亚洲人越过连接这两块大陆的干陆桥来到美洲。

    They had moved across a dry land bridge between the two continents .

  9. 略论陆桥经济与区域经济的协调发展

    Coordinated Development of Continental Bridge Economy and Regional Economy

  10. 借助陆桥优势发展西北地区经济

    Making use of the Advantages of Land Bridge to Develop Economy in Northwest Regions

  11. 陆桥经济带与东北亚经济圈的切点

    The Joining Spot between the Overbridge Economic Belt and the Northeast Asia Economic Belt

  12. 陆桥经济带与我国区域协调发展新格局

    Relation of Land Bridge Economic Belt and the New Pattern of Regional Harmonious Development

  13. 陆桥经济的文化思考

    Cultural Thought of the Land Bridge Economy

  14. 试论图们江陆桥枢纽共同体成长特点、模式及其演进展望

    The characteristics , model and prospect of economic communities of Tumen River Land Bridge Pivot

  15. 关于福建和台湾晚更新世存在陆桥之说质疑

    Was There a Land Bridge Between Fujian and Taiwan Provinces in the Late Pleistocene Epoch

  16. 陆桥新疆段暴雨洪水灾害及其防治对策研究

    Study on the flood disaster and its prevention measures for Xinjiang section of Continental Bridge

  17. 连云港市已经逐步成为全国的陆桥经济研究基地。

    Lianyungang has gradually become the research base of the continental bridge economy throughout the country .

  18. 论陆桥文化

    On the Culture of Land Bridge

  19. 加强国家间港口协作致力新亚欧陆桥畅通

    Strengthening the inter-country port co-operation to make Sure the Smoothness of the New Asian-Euro Land Bridge

  20. 交通流畅的陆桥。

    Vehicular overpasses help move traffic .

  21. 第三章从定量的角度验证陆桥运输与陆桥经济发展的关系。

    The third chapter tests the relationship between Continental Bridge transportation and its economy through quantitative analysis .

  22. 陆桥经济带在我国区域协调发展总体布局中具有特殊的地位与作用。

    Land Bridge Economic Belt ( LBEB ) plays special roles in the state regional harmonious development strategy .

  23. 本文试图从区域经济的角度探讨陆桥交通体系的部分建设问题。

    This article is trying to discuss some of the construction problems in the railway 's communicaton system .

  24. 本研究探讨了陆桥岛屿环境下生境片段化对社鼠种群数量动态及结构的影响。

    Then , we discussed the impact of habitat fragmentation on the population dynamics and population structure of Niviventer confucianus .

  25. 桥头堡是陆桥经济研究中一个具有特定内涵的重要概念。

    In studies on the economy along the Eurasian Continental Bridge , bridgehead is a very important concept with special connotations .

  26. 加快建设沿海、陆桥T型高铁通道的构想

    Conception of accelerating the construction of an " t " shape high-speed railway system linking the coastal area and Asia-Europe Continental Bridge

  27. 接着重点探讨了陆桥运输的相关政策,笔者根据国家计委关于新亚欧大陆桥运输发展的战略目标及相关原则,提出了推动陆桥运输发展战略目标实现的措施;

    Then we emphasize on the development strategy of the Bridge transportation as well as the aims and measures to achieve it .

  28. 在最后一个冰期期间,他们了解到海平面的下降偶尔会产生横跨海峡的陆桥。

    They knew that every so often during past ice ages , drops in sea level created a land bridge across the strait .

  29. 陆桥文化的负熵功能表现在陆桥文化对全球化发展,对人类与环境协调发展,对陆桥经济的快速发展的重要作用。

    Its entropy function plays an important role in the development of globalization , the harmonious development of man and surroundings and continental economy .

  30. 最后,应用这一模型对陆桥新疆段水害进行了计算和对比分析,发现所得结果与水害实际分布情况符合得较好。

    It is found that the results calculated with the model is very close to actual distribution condition of flood disaster along the railway .