
  1. 陆2块V砂组气藏是目前陆良气田最大的一个气藏,占气田总地质储量的71。

    V sandstone zone gas reservoir of block Lu-2 is the biggest gas reservoir in Luniang gas field , its gas reserve is71 .

  2. 宣威师范学校学生的心理健康状况好于陆良师范学校学生,两校学生除人际关系敏感一项无差异外,其余因子得分经T检验,差异异常显著(P<0.001);

    The difference is extraordinary notable by T test ( P < 0.001 ) ; 2 , The psychological health state of Xuan wei Normal School students is higher than that of Lu liang Normal School students .

  3. 百色、陆良盆地石油钻井污水处理

    Treatment of petroleum drilling waste water in Baise and Luliang basins

  4. 关于陆良彩色沙林旅游发展的思考

    Reflections on tourism development of the colored sand forest in Luliang

  5. 陆良县农场式戒毒创新路

    Farm Pattern Drug Detoxification in Luliang County Opens New Road

  6. 我上的是陆良第三中学。

    I go to No.3 Middle School of Luliang .

  7. 结果表明,陆良县已婚妇女的避孕现用率为70.57%。

    The results showed the contraceptive prevalence in the study area was70.57 percent .

  8. 云南陆良盆地浅高压气层固井技术陆良盆地生物气藏形成分布规律

    Cementing technology for shallow high pressure gas formation in Luliang Basin of Yunnan

  9. 陆良争创旅游文化大县的策略

    A Few Strategies About Lu-Liang Trying to Be a County of Tourism and Culture

  10. 陆良盆地是云南省第三系沉积盆地的典型代表。

    Luliang Basin is a typical representative of Tertiary sedimentary basins in Yunnan Province .

  11. 陆良县水资源开发利用与经济社会可持续发展分析

    Water Resource Development and Utilization and Social and Economic Sustainable Development in Luliang County

  12. 云南陆良盆地第三系含气系统基本过程研究

    Study on the formation of Neogene gas system in Luliang basin , Yunnan Province

  13. 陆良县森林防火的历史、现状与对策研究

    Study on History , Present Situation and Measures for Forest Fire Prevention of Luliang County

  14. 论陆良烟草宾馆基坑边坡喷锚支护技术的应用

    Application of Shotcrete Rock Bolt Support in the Slope of Foundation Pit for Luliang Tobacco Hotel

  15. 陆良县农村女性剩余劳动力转移对策探讨

    The Study on the Transference of Suplus Labor Force Solution in Rural Females of Luliang County

  16. 陆良、保山盆地天然气储量复核中含气面积参数的确定

    The determination of gas area parameter in the check on gas reserves of luliang , Baoshan basins

  17. 云南陆良盆地蕴藏着十分丰富且活跃的浅高压气层,解决好浅高压气层固井技术问题,对于保护陆良盆地天然气资源及解决其它地区的类似问题都是十分重要的。

    Cementing operation is very important to the development of shallow gas in Luliang basin , Yunnan province .

  18. 近几年来,陆良县非公有制林业发展较快,成为陆良县经济发展的新亮点。

    Non-public forestry has recently developed quickly and become a new brightness of the economy of Luliang county .

  19. 陆良师范学生自主探究学习现状调查及能力培养对策研究

    Research on Luliang Normal School Students ' Initiative Inquiring Learning and the Way to Promote Their Learning Capabilities

  20. 农业外部支撑体系建设研究&以云南省陆良县为例

    A study on the establishment of the support-system for agriculture & a case study at Luliang of Yunnan Province

  21. 陆良盆地上第三系未熟烃源岩特征及生物气成因分析

    Characteristics of the immature hydrocarbon source rocks of Neogene in Luliang basin and an analysis of Genesis of the biogas in them

  22. 云南陆良盆地天然气及烃源岩地球化学特征&兼论滇黔桂地区寻找生物气田的可能性

    Geochemical characteristics of the natural gas and source rocks in Luliang basin , yunnan province & a possibility of surveying biogas fields in Dian Qian GUI region

  23. 参照国内外学者普遍采用的生物气划分标准,把陆良盆地上第三系天然气划定为生物气。

    Therefore the natural gas in Neogene in Luliang Basin is classified as the biogas in the light of the division standard generally adopted by domestic and foreign scholars .

  24. 为了改进顶部烟叶的烘烤工艺,在福建省南平烟区的武夷山市、松溪县、浦城县和云南的陆良县等试点进行了顶部烟叶带茎收获烘烤试验。

    For improving the flue-curing of top leaves , the experiments on flue-curing of top leaves with stalk were conducted in Wuyishan , Songxi and Pucheng of Fujian Province and Luliang of Yunnan Province .

  25. 滇黔桂石油勘探局从1992年以来,对陆良盆地进行了钻井、物探、石油地质研究及评价工作,在石油勘探方面取得了很大进展。

    Since 1992 , the Dian Qian Gui Petroleum Exploration Bureau has carried out the drilling and geophysical exploration , oil geological research and evaluation of Luliang Basin , achieved very great development in the oil exploration .

  26. 论文通过对云南省陆良县部分乡、镇现行教师评价制度的调查与思考,指出目前农村教师评价制度存在重奖惩;

    Through researching and considering the present evaluation system on teacher who work in parts of towns of Luliang , YuNan , it points that the present evaluation system on rural teachers pay great attention to reward and punishment .

  27. 极佳的生气母质类型与丰富的有机质、低矿化度水化学特征、地温适中、未成熟的烃源岩及良好的构造&岩性圈闭等因素,是形成陆良盆地工业性生物甲烷气藏的良好条件。

    Luliang Basin is of a series of good conditions of forming commercial biogenic methane gas reservoirs , such as the excellent type of kerogen , high organic matter abundance , low salinity hydrochemical property , suitable geotherm , immature hydrocarbon source rocks and fair structural lithological traps , etc.