
  • 网络Longxi County
  1. 陇西县中学体育教学改革现状调查分析

    PE Teaching Reform Diagnoses of the Middle School in Longxi County

  2. 甘肃陇西县庭院生态农业模式分析

    Courtyard Eco-Agriculture with Biogas as a Core in Longxi County of Gansu Province

  3. 通过SWOT分析法分析了影响陇西县黄芪产业发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。

    Using the analysis method of SWOT to analyze the influence of industrial development , including strength , weakness , opportunity and threaten .

  4. 陇西县高中学生英语学习动机研究

    A Study on English Learning Motivation of Senior Middle School Students in Longxi County

  5. 黄土高原生态脆弱区循环经济发展模式研究&以甘肃省陇西县为例

    A Circular Economic Pattern in the Eco-Fragile Region of the Loess Plateau : A Case Study in Longxi County of Gansu Province

  6. 本文以甘肃省陇西县为例,分析了以沼气能源为核心的庭院生态农业开发模式及综合效益。

    Concept of courtyard eco-agriculture with biogas as a core was analyzed in this paper , taking Longxi County of Gansu province as example .

  7. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区生态恢复补偿机制建设与对策研究&以甘肃省陇西县为例

    The Loess Highlands hill gully area ecology resumes the compensation mechanism construction and the countermeasure studies : A Case Study in Longxi County of Gansu Province

  8. 基于对陇西县自然条件的认识,从农户收入和拉动就业能力方面分析黄芪产业的重要意义。

    Analyzing the important significance of astragalus membranaceus industry , from farmer income and boosting employment ability , based on the understanding of the natural conditions in Longxi .

  9. 甘肃省陇西县有着适宜马铃薯生长的优越条件,种植面积大、加工能力强,马铃薯产业在全县农业生产中占有举足轻重的地位。

    There are superior conditions , including wide cultivating areas and strong process ability to cultivate potato in LongXi county of GanSu province , and the potato industry plays an important rol .

  10. 本文主要采用系统分析法和比较分析法,经过分析认为陇西县县域主导产业选择应以中药材为代表的特色农产品为主,同时协调现有工业及文化产业。

    On this basis it is argued that leading industries of Longxi County should mainly choose agricultural products by the characteristics of Chinese herbal medicines , in coordination with existing industrial and cultural industries .

  11. 方法通过对陇西县及其毗邻地区黄芪产区的种植历史、基本生态环境、种质资源、良种选育的调查和试验,并取样对活性成分进行检测。

    Methods The historical culture , essential ecological environment , species resources , and seeds selection for the plant were investigated , the content of index components and active compositions in the plant was determined .