
  • 网络longnan;Longnan City
  1. 陇南市中药材产业的区域比较优势分析

    Regional Comparative Advantages of Chinese Medicinal Materials Industry in Longnan City

  2. 陇南市是去年5·12汶川特大地震的重灾区。

    Longnan City , 5.12 last year 's Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area .

  3. 对陇南市武都区发展无公害茶叶的思考

    Thinking of Developing Non-Pullution Tea in Wudu of Longnan City

  4. 陇南市农村中小学教师培训现状调查报告

    Investigation on Rural primary and secondary school Teacher 's Training in Longnan city

  5. 汶川地震后陇南市农村居民健康与卫生服务利用状况研究

    Study on Health Status and Health Care Utilization of Rural People in Longnan after Wenchuan Earthquake

  6. 基于模糊综合评判的陇南市生态旅游资源评价及产品开发研究

    The Research on Evaluation and Product Development of Eco-tourism Resources in LongNan City Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  7. 浅议陇南市水土保持生态环境监督管理规范化建设

    Discuss lightly the water and soil conservation ecological environment of Longnan of Gansu Province supervises and manages standardized construction

  8. 陇南市位于山区,毗邻四川省和陕西省,是甘肃最贫困的地区之一。

    Mountainous Longnan City , neighboring the Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces , is one of the poorest areas in Gansu .

  9. 退耕背景下农业结构调整探讨&以陇南市成县为例

    Adjustment of Agriculture Structure under the Background the Agricultural Restructuring to Discuss & Take Chengxian , Long Nan City as An Example

  10. 近日,甘肃省陇南市建成连续运行卫星定位系统,并投入使用。

    Recently , the completion of Longnan City , Gansu Province continuous operation of satellite positioning system , and put into use .

  11. 首先,陈述了陇南市抗震救灾及灾后重建中职务犯罪的防控措施。

    First , the presentation of the Longnan City earthquake relief and reconstruction in the prevention and control measures for job-related crimes .

  12. 根据陇南市徽县的实际情况,选取了有代表性的4所县城小学、4所乡镇小学和7所农村小学。

    According to the Huixian country 's condition , 4 city primary schools , 4 town primary schools and 7 village primary schools were investigated .

  13. 陇南市城区紧邻北山,并随着城市发展不断挤占北山坡脚和沟道。

    Longnan city , adjacent to the north mountain , with the development of city , continues to occupy the top of the northern mountain slope and channels .

  14. 剖析了当前陇南市数学教师基本素质中存在的若干问题,并提出了一些改进的思路与方法。

    To analyze several problems existing in mathematics teacher ′ s basic qualities of Longnan city , and to provide some ideas and methods on how to improve the problems .

  15. 陇南市副书记李学春说,武都区的形势目前已得到控制,但是暴力分子烧毁及砸坏了当地政府大楼。

    The situation is now under control in Wudu but not before protesters burned and smashed local government buildings , said Li Xuechun , the city 's deputy Party chief .

  16. 公路运输是甘肃省陇南市唯一的运输方式,交通不便是制约该市经济社会发展的重要因素。

    Highway is the only means of transportation in Longnan city of Gansu province , but the inconvenient traffic is an important factor restricting the social and economic development of the city .

  17. 据省民政事务部门一个官员介绍:在邻近的甘肃省,地震过后,陇南市文县有一人死亡,六人严重受伤。

    In neighboring Gansu Province , the tremor left one person dead and six seriously injured in Wenxian County of Longnan City , said a provincial civil affairs department official on Wednesday .

  18. 地震引发的次生地质灾害的发生更是频繁,尤其在陇南市武都区这种山地城市,滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害造成的危害更大。

    Earthquake-induced secondary geological disasters are more frequent , especially in the Longnan City , Wudu district this mountain city , landslides , mud-rock flows and other geological disasters caused more harm .

  19. 甘肃省陇南市武都区是我国滑坡、泥石流灾害最为严重的地区之一。

    This kind of geo-disasters ( such as collapse , landslide and debris flow ) is widely dispersed in our country , and one of the most serious regions is located in Longnan city of Gansu province .

  20. 在专家指导下,通过自编教师、学生的调查问卷和学校领导访谈提纲,力求从领导、教师、学生的不同角度,对陇南市小学科学课教育现状进行全方位的调查。

    Under the guidance of the expert , a thorough investigation of the present conditions of Science teaching in primary school has been carried out through questionnaires to teachers , students and interview to the leaders of schools .

  21. 陇南市地处甘肃省东南部,是我国典型的山区城镇、汶川地震重灾区,也是我国地质灾害最多发地区之一。

    Longnan city , located in the southeast of Gansu province , is a typical mountain town , Wenchuan earthquake hardest hit area , and is one of the most earthquake-prone areas of geological disasters in our country .

  22. 陇南市、天水市在经济空间的联系上更多地依存于四川省和陕西省,城镇间空间作用力小,彼此关联程度一般,城镇体系的空间结构还欠完善。

    Longnan , Tianshui , the link in the economic space is more dependent on Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces , the space force between cities ate small , interrelated general level , the spatial structure of urban system is also less developed .

  23. 在调查分析陇南市中小学数学教师基本素质和教师教育开展情况的基础之上,深刻剖析了农村地区数学教师教育在体制、观念、培训内容、培训者队伍等方面存在的问题;

    After investigating the basic qualities of the teachers in primary and middle schools in longNan rural area , the paper analyze the existing problems of mathematics teachers ' education in longNan rural area in system , idea , training content , trainer , etc.

  24. 同样,陇南市被纳入西部地区生态文明示范工程试点市以后,以乡村旅游为主的生态旅游村庄迅速成长,但由于缺少总体规划,出现了一系列的生态问题。

    Similarly , after Long is incorporated into the pilot demonstration projects of western area ecological civilization city , the " rural tourism " eco-tourism village grow rapidly , but because of a lack of overall planning , a series of ecological problems come along .

  25. 调查内容涉及陇南市科学课开设的基本情况、教师的基本情况、科学课的教学情况、科学课的教学资源、科学课教师的培训等。

    The investigation relates to the basic information of the arrangement of Sciences course , the basic information of the Science teachers , general information of the teaching of Science , the teaching resources of the Sciences course and the Sciences teachers ' training etc in Longnan .

  26. 陇南市具有区域特色的农产品较多,中药材作为发展历史悠久的特色资源,已成为陇南市特色经济发展不可或缺的成员,但是在发展的过程中仍然存在着很多问题。

    Longnan has a lot of agricultural products with regional characteristics , which has developed for a long history as the characteristic resources , has become one of the essential members of characteristic economy development in Longnan , but in the process of development still exist many problems .

  27. 除嘉峪关、白银、天水、定西、陇南外,其它市(州)城市扩张超过人口增长速度。

    Except JIAYUGUAN , BAIYIN , TIANSHUI , DINGXI and LONGNAN , other cities ' expanding is over the speed of population growth .