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  • Hair care;haircare
  1. 他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识。

    He will share his professional knowledge of haircare .

  2. Strateris背后的复杂科学原理对于LivingProof来说并不新奇,因为这家公司的护发系列产品——也就是安尼斯顿代言的产品,也出自兰格的实验室。

    The complex science behind Strateris isn 't new to Living Proof . Its haircare line -- which Aniston is the face of -- is also covered in Langer 's fingerprints .

  3. 她用护发剂梳顺了头发。

    She used conditioner to remove the snarls from her hair .

  4. 经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

    Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable .

  5. 经常使用护发素能使头发更浓密。

    Regular use of conditioner is supposed to give your hair more body .

  6. 这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。

    This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry , lifeless hair .

  7. 这种护发剂使你的头发增加丰满之感。

    This conditioner will give your hair more body .

  8. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。

    Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics .

  9. 非常受欢迎的护发素替代品,和小苏打一起作用可以使头发恢复到原本的PH值。

    A popular alternative to conditioner , which works with the bicarbonate to restore the natural pH of the hair .

  10. 并以此模型,研究了两种护发成分(发因子C和角蛋白)烫发后头发的修护作用。

    The model of perm damaged hair was established , and the protection effects of two conditioners ( Protective factor C and Keratin ) were compared using the model .

  11. 过去我一直用Suave牌护发素替代剃须膏。

    Suave conditioner has been my form of shaving cream in the past .

  12. 高分子质量聚氧化乙烯(PEO)和阳离子纤维素聚合物对于护发产品调理性能的协同效应

    Synergistic effects of high molecular weight polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) and cationic cellulose polymers on conditioning properties of hair care products

  13. 在和美容师尼基克拉克(NickyClarke)离婚18年后,莱斯莉克拉克(LesleyClarke)仍主管着同名美发护发品牌的商业事宜。

    Eighteen years after separating from the hairdresser Nicky Clarke , Lesley Clarke still directs the business side of the eponymous salon and haircare brand .

  14. “nopoo”方法,意为用天然替代品或清水洗发来代替洗发水和护发素。这个方法得到很多人的支持。

    The ' no-poo " method , which involves using natural substitutes or just water in place of shampoo and conditioner , has credibility within several circles 。

  15. 企业家、慈善家约翰·保罗·德约里尔(JohnPaulDeJoria)是培恩烈酒公司(PatrónSpiritsCompany)和宝美奇(PaulMitchell)护发产品公司的创始人。尽管他管理着一个价值数十亿美元的帝国,但他从不使用电子邮件。

    The entrepreneur and philanthropist John Paul DeJoria , a founder of the Patr ó n Spirits Company and the Paul Mitchell line of hair care products , does not use email even though he presides over a multibillion-dollar empire .

  16. 在上周之前,他引导宝洁经历了该公司历来最大的两宗收购,对象分别是伊卡璐(Clairol)和威娜(Wella)护发业务。

    He led P & G through what were , until this week , its two biggest acquisitions-of the Clairol and Wella hair care businesses .

  17. 新闻稿中说,卡戴珊·维斯特最近与科蒂的合作将帮助她扩大KKWBeauty品牌的产品范围,包括护肤、护发、个人护理和护甲产品,也可以把产品推广到更多的全球市场。

    Kardashian West 's latest partnership with Coty will help her expand the KKW Beauty brand into more categories including skincare , haircare , personal care and nail products while also bringing the items into more global markets , according to a news release .

  18. 她连用什么护发素都不会告诉我。

    She won 't even tell me what conditioner she uses .

  19. 先生,要用发膏或护发素吗?

    Do you want any hair cream or tonic , sir ?

  20. 护发素真是好主意兄弟

    Ha ! Hair conditioner . Great idea , my friend !

  21. 是啊.别忘了护发素。

    B : Yes , and don 't forget the conditioner .

  22. 封面女郎,“封面女郎”对我的护发素有兴趣了。

    Covergirl . " covergirl " is interested in my conditioner .

  23. 我们是到这来冲浪还是来交换护发心得的?

    Are we here to surf or swap hairdo secrets ?

  24. 我只要修一下,再做护发。

    I just want a trim and the steam treatment .

  25. 想象一下,你的头发已经用香波洗干净并且涂上了护发素。

    Imagine your hair that has received shampoo , conditioner .

  26. 坏习惯8:把护发素抹到头顶

    Bad Habit \# 8 : Conditioning Above The Crown Of Your Head

  27. 我在找适合油性头发的洗发水和护发素。

    I 'm looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair .

  28. 联合利华希望提升自己在护发品市场的份额。

    Unilever wants to beef up its market share in hair care .

  29. 电视广告说这种护发剂能带给你熠熠生辉的秀发。

    The TV advert says this conditioner will give you lustrous hair .

  30. 欧莱雅2006年护发类产品的销售额达到363万欧元。

    L'Oreal customers spent 3.63 million euros on haircare products in 2006 .