
hù lǐ xué
  • nursing science
  1. 对照组按照《护理学基础》中保留灌肠法实施操作;

    Patients of control group were carried out retention enema based on Fundamental nursing science .

  2. 单位:一所大学医学院护理学系,一所大学医学院附属医院儿科及一所区级医院儿科。

    SETTING : At a nursing science department of a university-affiliated hospital , pediatric department of a university affiliated hospital and sectional hospital .

  3. 目的探讨儿科护理学开展PBL教学的效果。

    Objective Toinvestigate the effect ofPBLmethod in the pediatrics'nurse teaching .

  4. APACHEⅡ对老年胸科危重病人预后评估的护理学意义

    The Significance of Prognostic Evaluation by APACHE ⅱ of Senile Thoracic Patients in Critical Condition in Nursing Care

  5. [方法]实验组在《急救护理学》大部分理论课中采用了PBL;

    Method : students of test group had their theoretical class of Emergency Nursing Science via PBL teaching .

  6. 《妇产科护理学》MCAI课件的制作及在教学中的应用

    Making and applying of multiple computer assistant Instruction ( MCAI ) of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Science

  7. 改良POSSUM评分系统预测高龄烧伤患者术后并发症的护理学意义

    The clinic significance of modified POSSUM surgical scoring system in predicting the postoperative complication for aged patients suffer burns

  8. 作为医学的一个重要组成部分,护理学也开始关注OSCE的应用。

    As an important part of medicine , the nursing starts to attend to the application of OSCE too .

  9. 研究对象共60人,依据急救护理学理论课考试成绩分层后随机分两组,分别采用传统教学方法和PBL教学方法,每组研究对象30人。

    Students were assigned to clinical groups using scores of emergency theory learning and a stratified random procedure . The clinical practice teaching adopted traditional teaching method and PBL teaching method .

  10. 方法:选取护理学专业2003~2006级全日制本科女生295人。调查方法为发放自设问卷和考试焦虑测验量表(TAT)。

    Methods : 295 nursing undergraduates in2003 ~ 2006 grades are selected , and are surveyed by the questionnaire method designed by oneself and test-caused anxiety scale ( TAT ) .

  11. 目的:探讨如何设计并实施适合内科护理学教学评价的客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)模式。

    Objective To demonstrate how to design and implement a suitable objective structured clinical examination ( OSCE ) mode in the assessment of medical nursing teaching .

  12. 美国印第安那州普渡大学的CharleneGyurko认为,另一个重要因素是有充分资格的护理学教员短缺。

    Charlene Gyurko , of Purdue University , in Indiana , USA , thinks that another important factor is the shortage of well qualified nurse trainers .

  13. “对护理学,这可意味着在全球集体改进专业和教育成就,”Gyurko说。

    " For nursing , this could mean a collective improvement in professional and educational attainment globally ," says Gyurko .

  14. 继续护理学教育(CNE)是以学习四新为主要内容的一种终身性的系统教育。这对于提高护理队伍的素质、护士的社会地位、促进学科发展有着极其重要的意义。

    The continuous nursing education isa life-long systematic education focus on the learning of four new , which is very important in improving the nursing skill and the social status of nurse , and strengthening the development of nursing discipline .

  15. 为使该学科在《中图法》中有所反映,笔者分析有四种方案可供选择:(1)在R47护理学下增加类目注释。

    In order to make the subject appear in China Society of Library science Classification , four methods are optional : 1 . adding notes to " R47 Nursing " .

  16. 心肺复苏是急救护理学的重要内容之一。

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) is an important component emergency .

  17. 在护理学基础教学中加强护生职业良心教育

    Strengthen nursing students ' vocational conscience education in fundmental nursing teaching

  18. 我国护理学学科定位的研究

    Study on the of professional orientation of nursing subject in China

  19. 《护理学基础》网络教学教师行为探讨

    The teaching behaviors of on-line teachers for the Basis of Nursing

  20. 继续护理学教育现状调查研究

    A Survey of Status Quo of Continuing Education of Nursing Science

  21. 国内外护理学文献检索常用数据库特点分析

    Features of domestic and foreign nursing data bank for document retrieval

  22. 从护理学发展谈现代护理道德教育

    Talking About Modern Nursing Moral Education from Development of Nursing Science

  23. 在《护理学基础》实验课教学中开展换位教学的探索

    Study of the Role-exchange Teaching in Laboratory Lessons of Fundamental Nursing

  24. 目的探讨《急救护理学》课程的教学内容及方法。

    Objective : To improve the effect of emergency nursing teaching .

  25. 目的:提高《外科护理学》总论课教学效果。

    Aim To improve the effect of Surgical Nursing Pandect teaching .

  26. 护理学本科人才培养模式改革研究与实践

    Reforming the Mode of Undergraduate Nurse Training : Research and Practice

  27. 内科护理学教学中护生情感的激发

    Arousing the nursing student 's emotion in the medical nursing teaching

  28. 《护理学杂志》1998~2007年文献被引分布研究

    Citation Distribution of Journal of Nursing Science from 1998 to 2007

  29. 护理学专业大学生评判性思维能力与临床决策能力的相关性研究

    The Relationship of Critical-Thinking Skills and Clinical-Judgment Skills of Nursing Students

  30. 医疗护理学深造文凭-职业治疗学专业

    Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy