
  • 网络ranger;forester
  1. 他喜欢做护林人。

    He loved working as a ranger .

  2. “那是老护林人的花园,”她用充满敬意的语气说。

    ' That 's the old foresters ' garden , ' she said in reverential tones .

  3. 在护林人的家里,有个老厨娘。

    Now the forester had an old cook .

  4. 如果一条轨道切合出现错误,那么朝着诺贝尔奖高速冲刺的努力就会夭折,他也就成了在蒙大拿树林里简陋的小棚屋终了一生的护林人。

    If a single one clicks wrong , the highspeed rush toward a Nobel Prize can dead-end in a makeshift shack in the Montana woods .

  5. 第一例是康斯坦斯·查特莱和奥利弗·梅勒斯之间的恋情,一个是贵族夫人,另一个则是护林人,身份为普通工人。

    The first is the love affairs between Constance Chatterley and Oliver Mellors , one is aristocrat lady , the other is a gamekeeper , an ordinary worker .

  6. 多数小屋是供猎场看守人、护林人、看门人或园丁们居住的村舍,但也可能是高贵人士所有的较大的建筑。

    The lodge was often the cottage of the gamekeeper , caretaker , gatekeeper , or gardener , or it could be a larger building for occupation by a higher-ranking person .

  7. 对没有修习过商业、金融或经济课程的人,还有那些在职业能力测试中被认定只适合作图书管理员或护林员的人来说,这非常有用。

    This was very useful for someone who had never taken a business , finance or economics course , and who had been tipped in vocational aptitude tests to be well suited to be a librarian .