
xún huí
  • tour;circuit;make a circuit of;go the rounds
巡回 [xún huí]
  • (1) [go the rounds;make a circuit of]∶按一定路线、范围到各处活动

  • 巡回医疗

  • (2) [tour]∶兜一圈

  • 花园的路径那么潮湿,没人在那里巡回

巡回[xún huí]
  1. 他们在有钱人家巡回演出,每个圣诞节的时候都会受到捐款,而我们则认为看他们演出是至高的享受。

    They go the rounds of all the respectable houses , and receive contributions every Christmas , and we esteemed it a first-rate treat to hear them .

  2. 介绍一种利用8098单片机的硬件和软件资源,设计能对多个管道不同介质(蒸汽、天然气、一般气体、液体和油品)流量进行巡回检测的智能流量仪表的方法。

    By using 8098 single-chip microcomputer as the main hardware and sofeware sources , this paper gives an intelligent flow instrument design method which can measure flow rate in many pipe ducts with different medium and go the rounds .

  3. 这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。

    The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France .

  4. 他在全国各地巡回演讲,争取更多的支持。

    He stumped around the country trying to build up support .

  5. 这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。

    The tour was judged to have been a great success .

  6. 乐队正处于最近这次巡回演出后的顶峰状态。

    The band is riding the crest of its last tour .

  7. 这批新展品明年将在美国十二个城市巡回展出。

    The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year .

  8. 这是他五十年歌手生涯结束前最后一次巡回演出。

    This is his sunset tour after fifty years as a singer .

  9. 她在一巡回剧团里演出了三年。

    She acted with a touring company for three years .

  10. 最近巡回演出时,他们吸引了大批观众。

    They pulled in huge crowds on their latest tour .

  11. 这一团体结束在伦敦的演出后,将到全国各地巡回演出。

    The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London .

  12. 在伦敦举行的一场精彩的音乐会将为他们的夏季巡回演出画上句号。

    Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert in London .

  13. 这套唱片选辑由去年巡回演出的实况录音汇编而成。

    The album was compiled from live recordings from last year 's tour .

  14. 这次橄榄球巡回赛在场上、场下都彻底失败。

    The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch .

  15. 他在南方各州作巡回演说,企图拉选票。

    He barnstormed across the southern states in an attempt to woo the voters .

  16. 这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。

    The tour was judged a great success .

  17. 这个乐队在英国巡回演出期间将在20个不同的地点演出。

    The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour .

  18. 她打算在巡回演出结束后离开乐队。

    She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour .

  19. 他在美国进行了个人巡回演出。

    He toured America with his one-man show .

  20. 她在全国巡回推销自己的书。

    She toured the country promoting her book .

  21. 这支乐队正在法国巡回演出。

    The band is on tour in France .

  22. 那位参议员进行了一次例行的竞选巡回演说。

    The senator gave his standard stump speech .

  23. 几年前他们在全国作了巡回演出。

    A few years ago they toured the country in a roadshow

  24. 他巡回演出了近两年,500场演出场场爆满。

    He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows

  25. 整个11月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

    We 're playing in New Zealand , Australia and Japan through November

  26. 总统奔波数千英里,在全国进行巡回演说。

    The president travels thousands of miles as he barnstorms the country .

  27. 乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月的巡回演出。

    The band are currently on a two-month tour of Europe

  28. 迪安·琼斯正随澳大利亚巡回赛队在斯里兰卡。

    Dean Jones is with the Australian touring team in Sri Lanka .

  29. 这3个节目将在整个巡回演出中轮流打头牌。

    The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour

  30. 总统候选人今天在作巡回演说。

    The presidential candidates are on the stump today .