
xún fǔ
  • grand coordinators;imperial inspector;provincial governor
巡抚 [xún fǔ]
  • [imperial inspector;provincial governor] 古代官名,明代指巡视各地的军政、民政大臣,清代指掌管一省军政、民政的官员

巡抚[xún fǔ]
  1. 这是居里扭作叙利亚巡抚的时候,头一次行报名上册的事。

    And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria .

  2. 王阳明巡抚南赣经费研究&以盐法为中心

    Fund Research about Southern Jiangxi of the Governor Wang Yangming-Taking Salt Law as Center

  3. 众人上去求巡抚,照常例给他们办。

    The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did .

  4. 湖南巡抚调动频繁且思想保守;

    The second is that the conservative governor of Hunan was frequently transferred to anther post ;

  5. 就把他捆绑解去交给巡抚彼拉多。

    They bound him , led him away and handed him over to Pilate , the governor .

  6. 他受命巡抚南赣,奠定了一生政治功业与学问事业的基础;

    He was appointed to govern the southern Jiangxi , which laid his political and academic foundation .

  7. 巡抚原知道,他们是因为嫉妒才把他解了来。

    For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him .

  8. 边疆治理是首任新疆巡抚刘锦棠所面临的首要问题。

    Administering the borderland was a practical problem faced by LIU Jin-tang , the first provincial governor of Xinjiang .

  9. 巡抚有一个常例,每逢这节期,随众人所要的,释放一个囚犯给他们。

    Now it was the governor 's custom at the Feast to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd .

  10. 巡抚的兵就把耶稣带进衙门,叫全营的兵都聚集在他那里。

    Then the governor 's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him .

  11. 在湖南巡抚任内,陈宝箴于社会赈济用力甚勤,其赈务是围绕其社会赈济思想而展开。

    He always engaged in social relief and his relief work was carried out around his ideas of social relief .

  12. 巡抚对众人说,这两个人,你们要我释放那一个给你们呢。

    The governor answered and said unto them , Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you ?

  13. 千百年来,中国古代的司法权始终是附着于行政权力而存在的,按察使的司法权也附着于总督、巡抚的行政权而存在。

    For thousands of years , the judicial power in ancient China has always been subjected to the administrative power .

  14. 晚清以来,广东处于西方列强侵略中国的前沿阵地,社会变迁极其复杂,广东巡抚在回应社会时代要求的同时,他们的心态也开始经历了一个逐渐向西方学习的变化过程。

    From the Late Qing Dynasty , Guangdong province was a forward position with invading China from the west countries .

  15. 作为首任新疆巡抚的刘锦棠在新疆活动14年,为新疆的开发和建设作出了重大贡献。

    Liu Jintang , the first governor assigned to Xinjiang , made great contributions to the development and construction of Xinjiang .

  16. 也要豫备牲口叫保罗骑上,护送到巡抚腓力斯那里去。

    And provide them beasts , that they may set Paul on , and bring him safe unto Felix the governor .

  17. 太27:14耶稣仍不回答、一句话也不说、致巡抚甚觉希奇。

    And He did not answer him with regard to even a single charge , so the governor was quite amazed .

  18. 倘若这话被巡抚听见,有我们劝他,保你们无事。

    And if this comes to the ruler 's ears , we will see that he does not make you responsible .

  19. 马兵来到凯撒利亚,把文书呈给巡抚,便叫保罗站在他面前。

    Who , when they came to Caesarea , and delivered the epistle to the governor , presented Paul also before him .

  20. 本丢彼拉多&他在大希律的儿子亚基老被逐后成为罗马犹大省的巡抚。

    Pontius Pilate-He became governor of the Roman province of Judea after the banishment of Archelaus , son of Herod the Great .

  21. 耶稣站在巡抚面前,巡抚问他说,你是犹太人的王吗。

    And Jesus stood before the governor : and the governor asked him , saying , Art thou the King of the Jews ?

  22. 在任山东巡抚期间,周馥采取了许多措施,将山东军队训练成“大枝劲旅”;

    While he was a governor in Shandong province , ZHOU adopted many measures'to train his Shandong troops into a very powerful army .

  23. 湖南咨议局采用多数决的方式集体决定问题,其议决案对巡抚具有一定的拘束力。

    The Assembly of Hunan Provincial take majority decision by way of collective decision , the decision will have certain binding on the governor .

  24. 于是王,和巡抚,并百尼基,与同坐的人,都起来

    And when he had thus spoken , the king rose up , and the governor , and Bernice , and they that sat with them

  25. 文中通过列表,比较学生、绅商、巡抚与外务部的方案,来看袁世凯方案的可行性。

    In the text , by comparison List students and merchant , governor and external programs , we will find that the feasibility of the program .

  26. 在潍县任县令时,给巡抚画了一幅竹子,题句曰:下一任县令会不会和他一样好呢?

    Once , when working as a county magistrate , he wrote on one of his bamboo paintings : Would their new magistrate be as nice ?

  27. 另外,湖南巡抚参加了会展并得头等赏牌和纪念牌各一个(很可能是类似于当今的组织奖)。

    Hunan Provincial Governor at that time also attended the expo and won the top award and the souvenir medal , similar to today 's organization medal .

  28. 巡抚说,为什么呢,他作了什么恶事呢。他们便极力的喊着说,把他钉十字架。

    And the governor said , why , what evil hath he done ? But they cried out the more , saying , let him be crucified .

  29. 过了五天,大祭司亚拿尼亚,同几个长老,和一个辩士帖土罗,下来,向巡抚控告保罗。

    And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders , and with a certain orator named Tertullus , who informed the governor against Paul .

  30. 论周馥任山东巡抚时期的经济改革举措高超声速飞行器周期巡航与总体参数关系研究

    Zhou Fu s Economic Reform Measures in His Term of Governor General of Shandong Province ; Study on Relationship between Periodic Cruise and Configuration Parameters of Hypersonic Vehicle