
  1. 巡道工人披星戴月地执行任务。

    The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk .

  2. 基于GPS的工务巡道作业监控系统的研究

    Research on the Patrol Work Monitor Device Based on GPS

  3. 南靖糖厂中待命的巡道车。

    Another patrol car was standing by in Nan-Ching Sugar Factory .

  4. 非接触IC卡在铁路巡道系统中的应用

    Application of Contactless IC Card In Railway Track Inspection System

  5. 南靖糖厂中的巡道车和蓬车。

    Patrol car and a wagon in Nan-Ching Sugar Factory .

  6. 展示于溪湖糖厂内车站股道的机车与巡道车。

    A patrol car and a DL have been displayed at Hsi-Hu Station .

  7. 巡道车正要通过施厝寮旗站旁的平交道。

    The patrol car was passing the crossing beside the She-Tzuo-Liao flag station .

  8. 巡道车视频检测系统的设计及关键技术的实现

    Design of Video Processing System on Railway Handcarts and Achievement of the Key Technologies

  9. 煤矿铁路巡道员伤亡事故灰关联故障树诊断

    Fault tree diagnosis of mining area railway roundsman casualty accident based on grey correlation system

  10. 餐饮业者利用报废之糖铁巡道车和原料车作为露天席位。台中县丰原市圆环西路。

    The owner of this restaurant uses a railcar and cane cars as tables . Feng-Yuan , Taichung City .

  11. 现场实验数据表明,该系统的技术路线可行,有利于加强巡道作业的质量监控和责任追究。

    The local experiment data shows that the system 's technique scheme is realizable , and helpful to enhance the quality monitor and responsibility investigate of outdoor electrician 's patrol work .

  12. 目前,线路维修中主要依靠受过铁路检修训练的巡道工人以人工巡检和目测的方法来判定铁轨路枕损坏情况、钢轨磨损以及扣件螺母的缺失等线路状况。

    Currently , the line maintenance rely mainly on highly trained patrol Road railway maintenance workers to labor inspection and visual methods to determine the rail road damage pillow , rail wear and the lack of nuts and other fasteners line conditions .

  13. 长期以来我国在这一领域都是依靠大量有经验的工人进行巡检,不但费时费力、自动化程度低,而且高速运行的列车还会极大的威胁巡道工人的人身安全。

    For a long time , our country in this area is dependence on mass experience workers for inspection , not only time-consuming , low degree of automation , and high-speed operation of the train will be a great threat to the personal safety of Patrol Road workers .