
  1. 关于派遣人员的数量,服务范围以及任务条件已于合同附件VII中列明。

    The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in Annex VII to the Contract .

  2. 然后介绍了XY银行NN分行基本情况,分析了XY银行NN分行劳务派遣人员绩效考核的现状,指出了其中存在的问题,分析了存在问题的原因。

    Then the study introduces basic situation of XY Bank NN Branch and the status of performance appraisal of its dispatch personnel , which also pointes out problems existing and the reasons .

  3. 派遣人员并提供官方的委任状;用于指外交使节。

    Provide or send with official credentials ; as of envoys .

  4. 美国联邦调查局驻西雅图的发言人表示,联邦调查局已经派遣人员协助展开调查。

    FBI spokesman in Seattle says agency has sent personnel to help the investigation .

  5. 与此同时,中国的跨国公司向其他国家派遣人员的实际案例也举不胜举。

    At the same time , the cases of Chinese multinational corporation sending expatriates to other countries are legion , too .

  6. 有关部门表示,流沙状泥块阻碍了救援工作的进行,在这种情况下派遣人员前往受灾地区非常危险。

    Authorities say rescue operations have been hampered by quicksand-like mud , making it too dangerous to send workers into the stricken area .

  7. 世卫组织日内瓦总部正在向海地派遣人员,为其提供后勤支持,包括确保向被洪水围困的社区运送医疗用品。

    WHO is sending staff from its Geneva headquarters to Haiti to provide logistics support and to ensure medical supplies are delivered to communities cut off by flood waters .

  8. 员工也需要在全球范围内得到支持:目前同性恋在70多个国家是非法的;由于国外有着不同的法律框架,向海外派遣人员需要谨慎的管理。

    Staff need to be supported globally , too : as being gay is illegal in more than 70 countries , and with different legislative frameworks abroad , postings overseas need careful management .

  9. 乙方聘用甲方非全日制用工形式的派遣人员的,在不违反《劳动合同法》规定条件的情况下,可以参照本协议原则执行。

    In case Party B employs dispatched staff that are not in the form of full-time employment , this agreement can be executed in principle on the condition that the Labor Contract Law is not violated .

  10. 他们派遣情报人员煽动当地的民众。

    They sent agents to agitate the local people .

  11. 利比亚外交部长AbdulAtial-Obeidi告诉BBC,向利比亚派遣军事人员只会延长敌对行动。

    The Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi told the BBC that sending military personnel would only serve to prolong hostilities .

  12. 中国有可能提供更多资金,但要派遣武装人员?

    It is possible China will send more money , but armed men ?

  13. 必须派遣技术人员去解决无法远程处理的问题。

    Technicians must be dispatched to address problems that cannot be handled remotely .

  14. 该组织近期派遣检查人员监督叙利亚化学武器储备的销毁情况。

    It recently sent inspectors to oversee the dismantling of Syria 's stockpile of chemical weapons .

  15. 乙方应确保甲方要求的人数和工作时间派遣劳务人员。

    Party B should ensure quantity and time in sending out service workers as required by Party A.

  16. 承包商应计划、建立、记载和派遣胜任人员担任的职能部门审核该设计。

    The Contractor shall plan , establish , document and assign to competent personnel functions for verifying the design .

  17. 被许可方有权按照合同规定派遣技术人员到许可方的有关工厂进行培训。

    Licensee shall have the right to send its technical personnel to the relevant factory of Licensor for training .

  18. 应乙方请求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。

    At the request of Party B , Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B to install the equipment .

  19. 达斯与哈默抽样选取了一组医生,派遣观察人员进入他们的诊室,对其能力和医术进行考察。

    Das and Hammer tested the competence and the practices of a sample of doctors by sending observers to sit in their surgeries .

  20. 国务卿希拉里.克林顿在墨西哥蒙特雷市的新闻发布会上说,派遣文职人员至关重要。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - speaking at a news conference in Monterrey , Mexico - said the civilian component is essential .

  21. 他还指出,如果意方提出要求,中国将派遣医疗人员前往意大利帮助抗击新冠病毒。

    He also says China will send medical personnel to Italy to help combat the novel coronavirus if the Italian side requests it .

  22. 苹果表示,已向相关工厂派遣医疗人员,但没有发现那里的劳动条件与工人死亡有任何关联。

    Apple has said it has sent medical personnel to the factories and found no link between conditions there and the workers ' deaths .

  23. 东京主要的电力公司正准备派遣工作人员进入损毁的核反应堆,以开始重建其冷却系统。

    Tokyo 's main electric power company is preparing to send workers inside a crippled nuclear reactor to begin rebuilding the unit 's cooling system .

  24. 山体滑坡困住了2个村庄的约107人,当地政府派遣救援人员奔赴地处贵州盆地的关岭。

    Rescue workers were rushed by the local government to Guanling county in the landlocked province after the landslide trapped around 107 people from two villages .

  25. 派遣专门人员定期对场地器材进行检查,发现问题及时反映给学校或体育教师,并及时对器材进行维修等。

    Send special persons to regularly check facilities , find the problem and reflect to school or physical education teachers , and timely maintenance on equipment etc.

  26. 北约会议还将关注另外一个关键问题,就是向阿富汗派遣训练人员,来提高阿富汗军队和警察部队的数量和能力。

    The NATO meeting will also focus on another key issue-sending trainers to Afghanistan to increase the numbers and capacity of the Afghan military and police force .

  27. 而总统则指责说本巴通过向他在河边的位于卡比拉办公室以南的家中派遣武装人员来挑起冲突。

    The presidency accuses Mr Bemba of provoking the violence by bringing armed men into his riverside house , just down the road from Mr Kabila 's office .

  28. 格鲁吉亚声称停火已经被俄罗斯破坏。欧盟外长是在布鲁塞尔召开的紧急会议上提出支持欧盟派遣维和人员去监督俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚最近达成的停火协议的。

    Backing for European Union peacekeepers to monitor the newly agreed upon truce between Russia and Georgia came during an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels .

  29. 美国国务卿克里表示俄罗斯于周四派遣武装人员占领乌克兰一些城市的政府建筑这点毋庸置疑。

    Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday there is no doubt that Russia has sent armed men who have occupied government buildings in several eastern Ukrainian towns .

  30. 北约会议还将集中于另外一个关键问题——向阿富汗派遣训练人员,增强阿富汗军队和警察力量的人数和能力。

    The NATO meeting will also focus on another key issue - sending trainers to Afghanistan to increase the numbers and of the Afghan military and police force .