
  • 网络PARKER;PIKE;Parke;Park;Gregory Peck
  1. 乔治派克(GeorgeParker)伦敦补充报道

    Additional reporting by George Parker in London

  2. 起诉书称,abc的地毯“除了图案中米黄色与橘红色相间的土地外,与派克的设计非常相似。”

    The ABC carpet , the lawsuit says , was " substantially identical to the Parker design but with off-white , red - Orange fields . "

  3. 他在派克街上有一幢3层楼的寓所。

    He occupies a three-story dwelling place on the Park Street .

  4. 2.GiantShoeMuseum大鞋博物馆大鞋博物馆位于西雅图著名的派克市场,是老西雅图文书商店外围的一面展示墙,给这家商店带来了不少生意。

    Located in the famous Pike Place Market of Seattle , the Giant Shoe Museum is a single exhibit wall located on the outside of the Old Seattle Paperworks store and brings a lot of business to the shop as a result .

  5. 马林斯派克推荐的这个插件是由数字安全机构电子前哨基金会(ElectronicFrontierFoundation)开发的。

    Mr. Marlinspike recommended this plug-in , developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation , a digital security organization .

  6. 马林斯派克说,总统选举激发了很多人对Signal的兴趣,导致“用户数量大幅增加”。

    Mr. Marlinspike said that the presidential election had sparked a lot of interested in Signal , leading to a " substantial increase in users . "

  7. 在北京饭店(BeijingHotel)舞厅的大屏幕上,双手插裤兜的派克缓步走向观众。

    On a big screen in the ballroom of the Beijing Hotel , Peck slowly walked towards the audience , hands in pockets .

  8. 著名的治疗师M.斯科特·派克说过,真正的倾听需要把自己放在一边。

    The famed therapist M. Scott Peck said that true listening requires a setting aside of oneself .

  9. 康奈迪克州奎尼派克大学的PeterBrown发现,大约有八分之一的投票者支持茶叶党运动。

    Peter Brown at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut finds that about one in eight voters support the Tea Party movement .

  10. 本文运用派克方程分析了定子电流的表达式,并利用MATLAB针对具体的水轮发电机的短路电流进行了仿真研究。

    In this paper , stator current was analyzed by Park Equation and sudden-short current of hydro-generator was simulated and analyzed by MATLAB .

  11. 结果:欧乃派克发生副反应2例(0.76%);复方泛影葡胺发生到反应52例(5.68%)(P<0.001)。

    Results : 2 cases got the adverse reaction in Omnipaque group ( 0 . 76 % ) while 52 cases ( 5 . 68 % ) got in meglumine diatrizoate group .

  12. 计算机仿真和电机模拟实验表明:在派克方程适用范围,新模型与PARK模型的响应完全一致;

    The simulation and experiment results show that in the scope suited to Park model , the new model has the exactly same behavior as the Park model .

  13. 拉菲尔•维诺里(RafaelViñoly)设计的位于派克大街(ParkAvenue)432号的96层公寓大楼开启了这个新时代。

    Rafael Vi ñ oly 's 96-storey 432 Park Avenue kicked the new era off .

  14. 去年12月,派克开始“变身”,如今她的Instagram粉丝已达16.3万。

    Pike started in December and already has 163000 followers on Instagram .

  15. 本文从主电路拓扑结构、补偿分量检测算法和控制策略三方面对并联APF进行了综述,并详细介绍了基于派克变换原理的补偿分量检测方法。

    The paper summarizes APF respectively from topological configuration of main circuit , detection arithmetic of compensation component and control strategy .

  16. 2011年2月至2012年11月,派克曾担任Gap北美区及其700家门店的总裁。他称自己的经历表明Gap品牌能东山再起。

    Peck , who was president of Gap North America and its 700 stores from February 2011 to November 2012 , pointed to his own experience to prove the Gap brand can strike again .

  17. 关于马球投资的任何讨论都不能不提及已故的澳大利亚亿万富翁克里派克(kerrypacker)。

    Any review of investment in polo would not be complete without mentioning the late Australian billionaire Kerry packer .

  18. 我们握手告别,布福德再一次给了我那种我对此无能为力式的微笑,我看着他走上派克大街(ParkAvenue)。

    As we shake hands , Buford once again gives me that nothing I could do about it smile , and I watch him walk away up Park Avenue .

  19. 拉菲尔•维诺里(RafaelViñoly)即将完成纽约第二高楼——位于派克大街(ParkAvenue)432号的公寓大楼。

    Rafael Vi ñ oly is finishing an apartment block at 432 Park Avenue that is New York 's second-tallest building .

  20. 1953年,浪漫喜剧片《罗马假日》(RomanHoliday)中,格里高利派克(GregoryPeck)一举成名,确立了自己电影史上最会穿衣演员的地位。

    In the 1953 romantic comedy Roman Holiday , Gregory Peck established himself as one of the better dressed men in film history .

  21. 他的报刊亭就在稀奇古怪的“口香糖墙”景点的拐角,位于河畔派克农贸市场(PikePlaceMarket)附近。人们来这通常都没什么准备。

    He works at a newspaper stand just around the corner from a bizarre attraction called the gum wall near Pike Place Market just off the waterfront here , and people show up unprepared .

  22. 因此,派克将缩短Gap的产品周期作为优先事项,并辅以其他改变,使Gap能迅速增加热卖品的产量。

    So Peck is making it a priority to shorten the product calendar at Gap , and is making other changes so it can quickly ramp up production of things are proving to be popular items .

  23. 精选进口PU,经典怀旧风范,舒适的书写纸张,配合派克笔,让您的每次记录都是一种美好的体验。

    Selected imports of PU , classical and nostalgic style , comfortable writing paper , pen , let you with parker every record is a beautiful experience .

  24. 派克表示,虽然Gap的牛仔女装业务稍有起色,但该品牌的上装,尤其是针织衫,缺乏时尚感,而且既不合身也不好看。

    While women 's denim is showing a bit of improvement , Peck said that Gap is missing the mark fashion wise on tops , particularly wovens and knits , with poor fits and an unappealing esthetic .

  25. 其中包括眼镜零售商沃比派克(WarbyParker)以及Bonobos、Birchbox和服装租赁服务Rent-the-Runway等。

    They include eyewear retailer Warby Parker , Bonobos , Birchbox , and Rent-the-Runway .

  26. 上周四,Gap公司首席执行官阿特o派克表示,重振Gap品牌是其“头等要务”,而这意味着专注于提升女装业务。派克在几年前曾亲自执掌Gap品牌。

    Gap Inc CEO Art Peck , who headed the brand a few years ago himself , said on Thursday that fixing Gap brand was his " No. 1 priority . " And that means focusing on improving its women 's wear in particular .

  27. 我曾有一次在街上偶遇这部电影的男主角,已故影星格里高利派克(GregoryPeck),即便是这都让我激动得说不出话来。

    I once ran into the film 's leading man , the late Gregory Peck , on the street , and even that choked me up .

  28. 她的父亲约翰•V•布维尔三世是投资银行世家的后代,她的妈妈简妮特•李是一位建筑大亨的女儿。纽约派克大街上大多数独特的公寓建筑都是出自这位建筑大亨之手。

    Her father , John V. Bouvier III , was an investment banking scion , and her mother , Janet Lee , was the daughter of a construction tycoon who built some of the most distinguished apartment houses on Park Avenue in New York .

  29. 墙壁上悬挂的照片告诉人们,60年来,富丽接待的贵宾包括圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)、尼赫鲁(Nehru)、劳伦斯·奥利维尔爵士(SirLaurenceOlivier)、格里高利·派克(GregoryPeck)和费雯丽(VivienLeigh)。

    As the photographs on the walls attested , the Folly 's 60-year-old guest dossier includes Mahatma Gandhi , Nehru , Sir Laurence Olivier , Gregory Peck and Vivien Leigh .

  30. 厨房里的不锈钢电器包括一台斐雪派克(Fisher&Paykel)的炉灶和两台Sub-Zero的冰箱,还有不锈钢的橱柜和水槽。

    Among the stainless-steel kitchen appliances are a Fisher & Paykel range and two Sub-Zero refrigerators , as well as steel cabinets and sinks .