
chén bīng
  • Chen Bing;mass troops;deploy troops
陈兵 [chén bīng]
  • (1) [mass troops]∶在特定地区集中部队或火力

  • (2) [deploy troops]∶布置军队

  • 陈兵要塞

陈兵[chén bīng]
  1. 于是陈兵回了家,让爷爷看这只蝴蝶。

    So he went home and let grandfather see it .

  2. 在世界上陈兵最重的边界上,形势又日趋紧张起来。

    Tensions are rising again on the world 's most heavily armed border .

  3. 他们认为我们在边境陈兵太多,因此他们需要做做样子。

    They think we 're amassing weapons near the border and they 're posturing .

  4. 陈兵感到很开心。

    Chen Bing felt very happy .

  5. 突然,陈兵看到花丛中有一只漂亮的大蝴蝶,他飞快地抓住它。

    Suddenly Chen Bing saw a big beautiful flying under the flower , he quickly caught it .

  6. 他的孙子陈兵很喜欢抓蝴蝶,今天早上,孙子正在花园里抓蝴蝶。

    His grandson Chen Bing likes to catch butterflies , today morning , he is catching butterfly in the garden .

  7. 爷爷让陈兵看他的标本,问:“你在哪儿抓到了这只蝴蝶?”

    Then , grandfather let Chen Bing saw his collection and asked : " Where did you catch this butterfly ?"

  8. 陈兵非常开心,他想:爷爷非常喜欢蝴蝶,我可以把这只蝴蝶送给他!

    Chen Bing was very excited , he thought : Grandfather likes butterflies very much . I can give him this butterfly !

  9. 陈兵:浙江大学传播研究所博士生,浙江省科技厅《今日科技》编辑部副主任,从事传播学和媒介管理学研究。

    Chen bing : ph.d.candidate , communication research institute , Zhejiang university ; vice director , newsroom of today 's science & technology ; mainly interested in communication and media management .

  10. 一个屡战屡败、对军事一无所知、连弓矢都没有的民族,竟然陈兵列阵,挡住你们,这岂不是奇耻大辱吗,我勇敢的士兵们?

    Is it not , therefore , shameful that a people accustomed to be conquered , a people ignorant of war , a people even without arrows , should proceed in order of battle against you , my brave men ?