
  1. 陈伟,威海的天气怎么样?

    What 's the weather like in weihai , Chen wei ?

  2. 我原想请陈伟的,但他已走了。

    I wanted to ask Chen Wei too , but he 's away .

  3. 我记得,陈伟说他敢肯定会在草地里看见蛇的。

    And Chen Wei was sure he could see a snake in the grass , I remember .

  4. 也谈中世纪大学的产生&兼与陈伟博士商榷

    On the Rise of Universities in the Middle Ages & Opinions Different from Those in the Article by Dr Chen Wei

  5. 来自北京盈科律师事务所的陈伟(音译)律师表示,自己几乎很少接受子女即将升入大学的夫妇申请离婚的案件。

    Chen Wei , a lawyer from the Yingke Law Firm in Beijing , said she has rarely ever worked on divorce cases filed by couples whose children are about to attend a university .

  6. 西南政法大学教授陈伟表示,法院提案剥夺了同性恋者结婚的权利,并补充说同性恋者渴望结婚获得家庭和孩子的愿望应该受到法律的保护。

    Chen Wei , a professor at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law , said that the court 's suggestion deprives homosexuals of right to marry , adding that homosexuals ' desire to have families and children should be protected by law .