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  1. 论陈子昂的边塞诗及其思想渊源

    On CHEN Zi-ang 's Frontier Fortress Poems and Their Ideological Origin

  2. 陈子昂:重视团队力量

    Chen Zi ang : pay attention to team power

  3. 试析陈子昂对武则天的态度问题

    Analysis on Chen Zi-ang 's Attitudes towards Wu Ze-tian

  4. 他的诗歌理论继承了儒家诗教传统,上承自孔子、汉儒至陈子昂、李白的诗论,下启元稹、自居易之诗论。

    He looks up to Confucian poetry traditional theory as the only criterion .

  5. 宇宙·历史·人生&对闻一多论陈子昂的阐释

    Universe · History · Life & WEN Yi-duo 's Interpretation of CHEN Zi-ang

  6. 陈子昂兴寄说的实质及其历史地位

    The Essence of Chen Zi-ang 's " Xing-Jin " Theory and Its Historical Position

  7. 论陈子昂的诗学观点

    The View of Chen Zi-ang 's Verse

  8. 射洪县地处成都、重庆、绵阳三大城市等距中心,是唐代伟大诗人陈子昂的故乡,中国名酒沱牌曲酒的出产地。

    Shehong county is located in the center of Chengdu 、 Chongqing and Mianyang cities .

  9. 陈子昂《修竹篇序》的诗歌主张再评价

    A Re evaluation of the Poetic Proposals in CHEN Zi ang 's Preface to Long Bamboos

  10. 论陈子昂《感遇》诗对《古诗十九首》的继承与发展

    On the Inheritance and Development of Chen Zi-ang ′ s GanYu Poems From the Nineteen Ancient Poems

  11. 第三章:对于陈子昂的文章,从文体的角度,对陈文有一个大致的介绍。

    Chapter ffl : For the articles of Chen Zi Ang , I has made a rough introduction from type of writing .

  12. 陈子昂的风骨说意在提倡力的美,刚健的美,以呼唤具有盛气壮采的文学,适应新时代的需要。

    CHEN Zi ang 's vigour of style theory aims at advocating the beauty of strength and power to awake the vigorous literature to adapt to the needs of the new era .