
  1. 结束演艺生涯后,陈晓旭从事广告业,身价过亿。

    After her acting career , Chen became a billionaire in the advertising business .

  2. 然而,陈晓旭在扮演林黛玉走红之后,并没有继续她的演艺生涯。

    Following this popular role , however , Chen Xiaoxu did not pursue an acting career .

  3. 据她公司的雇员说,陈晓旭在这座尼姑庵里潜心研究佛法。

    Chen then concentrated on Buddhist studies at the monastery , according to staff from her company .

  4. 小道消息称,陈晓旭已遵守佛教的清规戒律达七年之久。

    An unconfirmed source adds that Chen Xiaoxu has been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years .

  5. 据报道,陈晓旭仍然呆在为她举行剃度仪式的百国兴隆寺内。

    Chen Xiaoxu was reported to still be at Baiguoxinglong Temple , the Buddhist monastery where she received the tonsure ceremony .

  6. 周日,陈晓旭的丈夫向某报社透露,中国前著名演员和商界名流陈晓旭,已在中国东北吉林省长春的一个佛教寺庙落发为尼。

    Former Chinese actress and business celebrity Chen Xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a Buddhist temple in Changchun , capital of Jilin province in northeast China , her husband told a newspaper Sunday .

  7. 即使是已故因其在电视剧《红楼梦》中饰演林黛玉而出名的陈晓旭,也名列第四。

    Even deceased actress Chen Xiaoxu , who made a name for herself as Lin Daiyu in the dramatic TV series " A Dream of Red Mansion ", came in at fourth in the list .