
  • 网络squaring up
  1. 在方化矩形中,组成矩形的各个正方形有可公度的边。

    The constituent squares in a squared rectangle have commensurable sides .

  2. 方化矩形是指可以分割成至少两个正方形的矩形。

    A squared rectangle is a rectangle dissected into at least two squares .

  3. 利用互联网的再地方化效应来进行社区内区域网络的建设,不仅开拓了居民社区参与的新渠道,而且有利于培育居民之间的地域关系。

    Making use of the Internet " localization " effect to construct area network within urban community , not only increases channels of residents ' participation but cultivates geographical connections between residents .

  4. 二战以来,全球经济的高速发展深刻地改变着人们的生活,商品市场从卖方化到买方化,已使我们的物质生活日益富足。

    The high speed economy development after the World War2 has deeply changed our life , the buyer 's market replaces the seller 's market , we live a better life with more abundant goods .

  5. 在经济体制方面,法院经费由地方划拔,造成法院和法官依赖于地方政府,进而使司法权地方化;

    In the aspect of economic system , judicial funds are pulled out by local stroke , cause court and judge to rely on local government , and then make the place of judicial power melt ;

  6. 首先,司法独立不完善,司法权地方化、司法的监督体制不规范、司法权行政化以及司法非专业化。

    First of all , the judicial independence is not complete , the localization of judicial power , supervision system of the administration of justice are substandard , judicial power administration and administration of justice are not the specialization .

  7. 同时,在我国都市工业园创新机制的基础上,提出了四大创新模式,即运营主体企业化模式、政府服务平台化模式、通用厂房租赁化模式、运营服务第三方化模式。

    Meanwhile , this part proposes four main innovative patterns on the foundation of the innovative mechanism of national urban industrial parks , namely enterprise mainly operating model , government service platform model , general workshop leasing model , third-party service operating model .

  8. 司法不公或司法腐败的根本原因在于我国现行法院管理体制存在的三个弊端:司法权地方化、法院内部管理行政化和法官的非职业化。

    The root cause of judicial unfairness or judicial corruption lies in the following three defects in the current court management system : the localization of judicial power , the administrative character of the internal court management system , and the non-professional character of the judges .

  9. 而要彻底解决执行难问题,则有赖于改革司法体制,消除司法权地方化,切断法院、执行人员与当地政府、周围环境之间非必要的联系。

    However , the resolution of the question of difficult execution once for all depends on reforming judicial system , eliminating the localization of judicial power , and cutting off the unnecessary ties of the courts and executors with governments at the same level and social environments .