
  • 网络Scheme design stage;Scheme Design Phase;SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE;Solution Design
  1. 建筑方案设计阶段的造价控制探讨

    Study on Cost Control in the Architectural Scheme Design Phase

  2. 探讨了一种在产品方案设计阶段构建模块化产品平台的方法。

    This paper discusses a kind of method to build module product platform about scheme design phase of product .

  3. 在系统方案设计阶段,分析了4通道磁弹性传感器测试仪的整体功能需求,采用基于FPGA的SOPC嵌入式系统开发对仪器进行了系统设计。

    The requirements of 4-channel magnetoelastic sensor detection instrument are determined in the conceptual design phase , using a SOPC embedded system based on FPGA .

  4. 对我国C火箭和日本N火箭的计算结果与实验数据比较,说明该方法能满足方案设计阶段精度要求。是方案设计过程中快速而经济的计算方法。

    The comparisons between the computations and experiments for the launch vehicle with strap-on boosters C of China and the launch vehicle with strap-on boosters N of Japan denote that the present method can satisfy the necessary accuracy and provide a rapid and economical method in the preliminary design phase .

  5. 综合多种信息提高油田开发方案设计阶段构造模型精度

    Integrating various information to improve the precision of the structure model at

  6. 产品的性能、成本等指标往往取决于其方案设计阶段。

    In this phase , product properties & costs are mainly determined .

  7. 从而使建筑设计师在方案设计阶段能够进行真正而有效的节能设计。

    And it will help them to design the real energy-saving buildings .

  8. 选定了成本控制方法,就进入了实际的方案设计阶段。

    After selecting the cost control method , enters the actual plan design phase .

  9. 本文着眼于新型滑翔式再入飞行器在方案设计阶段的再入轨迹优化问题。

    This thesis aims to optimize the reentry trajectory for a new style of glide-reentry vehicles in the phase of scheme design .

  10. 产品方案设计阶段是产品创新的重要环节,设计者对方案的创新质量具有决定性影响。

    Conceptual design is the important phase of product innovation , and the designer is a decisive factor to the innovative quality of design scheme .

  11. 舰载飞机与航母之间的参数适配特性是弹射起飞总体方案设计阶段的关键问题之一。

    The parameter match between a carrier-based aircraft and the aircraft-carrier is one of the key issues in the conceptual design phase of catapult takeoff .

  12. 方案设计阶段的造价控制是项目全过程造价控制的基础和前提,在项目造价控制中起着至关重要的作用。

    Cost control in the scheme design phase serves as the premise of cost control of the whole project , therefore its importance cannot be neglected .

  13. 本文按照设计方法学的基本思想,试图将计算机应用推向设计的方案设计阶段。

    In accordance with the basic thinking of design methodology the author tries to push CAD technology to the initial stage of designing & plan stage .

  14. 在项目作出决策后,控制工程造价的关键就在于设计阶段,而设计阶段中的方案设计阶段又尤为重要。

    After the planning , the key point of cost control is in the design stage , and in which the schematic design is the most important .

  15. 本文旨在为控制主船体结构振动量级,避免结构损坏,保证船员和旅客的舒适性,论述了在方案设计阶段船体主机螺旋桨的最佳选配问题。

    In order to limit the vibration level of main structure , it is suggested to give integrated consideration of hull-engine-propeller relationship in the concept design stage .

  16. 提出的地面导引控制精度分析方法综合考虑了各种误差因素,计算便捷,适用于工程方案设计阶段的精度分析与估计。

    Accuracy analyzing method introduced above considers comprehensively various error factors and is convenient and quick . It is suitable for engineering utilizing in scheme design phase .

  17. 重点说明考核方案设计阶段的工作十分关键,也非常重要,可以说是做得越细越好,而考核过程则要相对简化和易于操作。

    It is key and important to explain the work in the case designing process at some length , the course may be simplified and be handled easily ;

  18. 其目的在于在机械系统设计的方案设计阶段,相对于新产品的初步设计,设计系统基于现有产品的信息,简单、而且具有继承性地为系统提供具有反馈性的系统特性表达方法。

    Its purpose is to provide the initial design of system characters with the inheritance from the existing products in the course of initial design of new products .

  19. 对于产品来说,要从根本上解决环境问题,必须实施源头控制,将污染消除在生产过程之初,即方案设计阶段。

    In order to solve the environmental problems ultimately , some measures must be taken to eliminate the pollution in the early stages of the product conceptual design .

  20. 如何在方案设计阶段对产品全生命周期环境和资源属性做出正确评价,是绿色设计能否成功的关键。

    How to give an accurate evaluation about environmental and resource attributes of products life cycle in the conceptual design stage is the key of a successful green design .

  21. 通过在方案设计阶段给出各方案的可适应性度量数值以及对修改设计的难易程度做出定量评价,可以有效地指导机床结构设计过程。

    Adaptability is calculated and quantification estimation level of difficulty is indicated for each project in the design phase , which provided an effective guide for design process of machine tools structures .

  22. 对于机械产品优化设计问题,由于涉及因素较多,在方案设计阶段很难作出正确决策。

    As for the problems of optimal design on mechanical products , it is quite difficult to make a correct decision in the stage of scheme design due to too many involved factors .

  23. 提出了钢筋混凝土梁合理高度的理论计算方法,为结构工程师在结构方案设计阶段确定梁的高度提供了一个理论公式。

    A theoretical method for height determination of a reinforced concrete bream ( RCB ) was developed in this paper , which could be used in the scheme design stage by a structure engineer .

  24. 产品方案设计阶段是决定产品质量、企业市场竞争力最为关键的阶段;不同企业通过组合各自优势资源进行企业协作则是提高市场竞争力的一个重要途径。

    Product scheme design phase is the most important phase to gain product quality and win market competition , and collaboration is a key approach to promote competition of enterprises which have different advantage resource .

  25. 对此我国从1998年开始提出,要求城市的重大新建、改建项目,在规划阶段或方案设计阶段进行交通影响分析。

    At 1998 , China has demanded that : During the planning or searching phase of any major urban construction projects , the analysis works on traffic effects must be done at the same time .

  26. 储集层地质模型是油藏描述工作的最终成果,在开发方案设计阶段,建立概念模型向静态模型过渡的地质模型已成为一种发展方向。

    Reservoir model is the final result of reservoir description , which is the basis of numerical reservoir simulation . The more precise conceptual model can be built in designation phase of field development plan .

  27. 探讨了飞机方案设计阶段应用决策方法的重要性;建立了飞机顶层设计方案优选的层次结构和评价指标体系;

    On the basis of discussing the importance of applying decision method to the phase of aircraft conceptual design , the article establishes the hierarchy structure and evaluation index system for scheme selection of aircraft top-hierarchy design ;

  28. 文章介绍了三车翻车机的设计特点及应用有限单元法在方案设计阶段对其主钢结构进行的仿真分析和优化计算。

    Described in this paper are the design features of the 3-car dumper as well as the simulation analysis and optimization calculation of the main steel structure with the finite element method in the design stage of the scheme .

  29. 借鉴国内外地质专家分类,笔者把开发早期阶段定义为评价阶段和方案设计阶段。

    According to the category which was made by the specialist in China and abroad , I define the assess stage and scheme design stage as early stage of exploitation in which the aim of reservoir stochastic modeling is .

  30. 在建筑方案设计阶段和工程完成后,三维动画为筛选、优化设计方案、评估城市景观、协调工程与环境的关系,都创造了有利条件。

    D animation creates condition for selecting and optimizing design plans during the stage of architectural design . It creates condition also for evaluating cityscape and if the engineering is in harmony with surroundings after the engineering is completed .