
  1. 要拿到毕业证书,陈瑜必须通过大学英语四级考试。

    Chen Yu was only required to pass the CET4 to get his diploma .

  2. 那些拒绝作弊的同学认为,像陈瑜这样的人利用作弊在竞争中取得优势有失公平。

    Students who refuse to cheat say that people like Chen get an unfair edge .

  3. “如果可以轻易考高分,人们就可能冒这个险,”陈瑜说。

    " If one can get a higher grade through easier ways , he or she might risk it ," said Chen .

  4. 通过作弊手段通过六级考试后,陈瑜在北京找到了理想的工作,不久却发现该职位对英语的要求还不及高中水平。

    After cheating to pass the CET6 , Chen got his " ideal job " in Beijing and soon found that its English requirements were " literally lower than senior high level " .

  5. 对陈瑜来说,他认识到了作弊是错误之举,总觉得自己不配享受现在的生活。

    As for Chen , he realizes that he was wrong to cheat , and he can ` t shake the sense that he is undeserving of the life he has been enjoying .