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  • 网络sheng
  1. 陈胜、吴广都来自河南省。

    Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were both from Henan Province .

  2. 至此,陈胜、吴广领导的农民起义失败。

    Thus , the insurgence led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang failed .

  3. 与此同时,由于内部发生分裂,吴广被其属下杀死,而陈胜也遭暗杀。

    Meanwhile , because of the split in its own side , Wu Guang was killed by his subordinates , and Chen Sheng was also assassinated .

  4. 后来,陈胜、吴广被部下谋杀,剩余的军队被刘邦和项羽收编。

    Later , Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were murdered by their subordination.And the rest of the army was surrendered to Liu Bang and Xiang Yu .

  5. 他们面临着死刑的威胁。于是,在陈胜、吴广的领导下,在大泽乡举起了中国历史上第一次大规模农民起义的旗帜。

    Faced with the menace of death , they raised the first banner of a large-scale peasant insurrection at the head of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang .

  6. 起义军推举陈胜为王,在陈县建立了中国历史上的第一个农民政权——张楚政权。

    Consequently , they established the first revolutionary regime of peasants - Zhangchu , and Chen Sheng was made the king , and Chen County the capital .

  7. 但是,秦二世昏庸无道,听信奸臣赵高,致使人民不满,各地纷纷起来反抗。前二零九年,陈胜、吴广起义;

    However , Qin II fatuity No Road , listen to a traitor Zhao , with the result that people dissatisfied with their resistance throughout.20 nine years ago , Chen Sheng , Wu uprising ;

  8. 24岁时,他跟随项梁在苏州起义,响应陈胜,吴广。

    At 24 , he joined his uncle Xiang Liang in an armed uprising in today 's Suzhou in response to the insurgency led by two peasant leaders , Chen Sheng and Wu Guang .

  9. 在陈胜死后,项梁于前208年立楚怀王之孙芈心为楚王,以为号召。

    After the death of Chen Sheng , Xiang Liang made the grandson of King Huai of Chu , Mi Xin , the Prince of Chu for the sake of commending the public in 208 B. C.

  10. 陈胜、吴广大泽乡起义:公元前209年,秦二世继位仅10个月爆发了陈胜、吴广领导的农民起义。

    The uprising led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in Daze Township : In 209 B. C. , when the Second Emperor got into the throne only 10 months , the Peasant Uprising led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang broke out .