
yuàn wài huó dònɡ jí tuán
  • lobby;pressure group
  1. 与此同时,英国监测议员工作习惯的院外活动集团38degrees发起了一项“希望你在这里”(wishyouwerehere)的行动,敦促追随者拍下在度假场所遭遇的议员照片。

    Meanwhile , the UK pressure group 38 degrees , which monitors the working habits of British MPs , has launched a " wish you were here " campaign , urging followers to take photographs of MPS they spot on holiday .

  2. 她支持反堕胎院外活动集团。

    Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby .

  3. 有一个日趋强大且组织良好的院外活动集团处理这个问题。

    There is an increasingly strong and well-organized lobby dealing with this issue .

  4. 没有手指院外活动集团可言。

    There is no finger lobby to speak of .

  5. 贿赂代办所就是呆在州首府的院外活动集团,他们代表重要铁路公司和企业界的利益。

    The corrupting agency was the lobby at the state capital , representing important railroad and business interests .