
yuàn zi
  • yard;courtyard;park;hypethron
院子 [yuàn zi]
  • [courtyard] 房屋前后用墙或栅栏围起来的空地

院子[yuàn zi]
  1. 他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。

    He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard .

  2. 我们穿过石拱门进入院子。

    We went through a stone archway into the courtyard .

  3. 男孩们在院子里踢球。

    The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard .

  4. 几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

    Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound .

  5. 猪在院子里哼哼地叫个不停。

    Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard .

  6. 我们在院子中挖了个深洞。

    We dug a deep pit in the yard .

  7. 她看着孩子们在院子里玩。

    She watched the kids playing in the yard .

  8. 院子用铁栅栏围了起来。

    The yard had been enclosed with iron railings .

  9. 骑摩托车的人斜穿过他的院子。

    Motorcyclists cut catty-cornered across his yard .

  10. 德娜带他们到院子里晒太阳。

    Dena took them into the courtyard to sit in the sun

  11. 我们匆匆往前走,来到一个野草丛生的院子。

    We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds

  12. 他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。

    They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard .

  13. 他被扭住双臂强推着走过厨房,来到院子里。

    He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard

  14. 一个女人的尖笑声在院子里回荡。

    A woman 's shrill laughter reverberated in the courtyard .

  15. 在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。

    For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds .

  16. 一名囚犯将破布点着,扔进院子。

    One prisoner set fire to rags and hurled them into the courtyard

  17. 我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。

    The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable .

  18. 他和汉娜一直在他房外的院子里扭打。

    He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house .

  19. 明亮的月光洒在院子里。

    The moon cast a bright light over the yard

  20. 科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。

    Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard .

  21. 我看到他站在院子里。

    I saw him standing in the yard .

  22. 这座房子坐落在一个偏僻的院子里。

    The house is in a secluded mews .

  23. 院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。

    The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash

  24. 院子里的草有齐腰高。

    The grass in the yard was waist high

  25. 阳光照到院子里。

    Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard .

  26. 他们还在院子里一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。

    They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard , turning somersaults and cartwheels .

  27. 在院子的最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。

    At the very back of the yard , several feet from Lenny , was a wooden shack

  28. 院子里冷冷清清,一个人也没有。

    It is cold and cheerless in the yard with no one there .

  29. 叫孩子们到院子里耍去。

    Tell children to go and play in the courtyard .

  30. 树叶随风飘过我们的院子。

    The wind drifted the leaves across our yard .