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péi zànɡ mù
  • Accompanying tomb;tomb of the wife or a minister near the tomb of an emperor/lord,etc.
  1. 隋唐时期的石质葬具多出土于高等级墓葬中,帝王陪葬墓占有相当大的比例。

    Most of the sarcophaguses in Sui and Tang Dynasties were buried and found in higher rank tombs . Especially in the emperors ' tombs , it makes a substantial proportion .

  2. 经过考古工作者40多年的考古勘探与发掘,在陵园内外已经发现各种大小不等的陪葬坑和陪葬墓500多座以及数百万平方米的宫殿建筑遗址。

    By the more than 40 years ' archaeological excavation , excavators found the ruins of ancient palace cover millions square meters and more than 500 burial pits and graves in and out of the cemetery .