
lóng qǐ
  • uplift;bulge;swell;protuberate;rise;heave;lump;tuberositas
隆起 [lóng qǐ]
  • (1) [rise]∶高出其他物体之上

  • 在他上面不远之处隆起一个小山尖

  • (2) [swell;bulge]∶膨胀;鼓起

  • 他那宽大的罩衫在他四周隆起

隆起[lóng qǐ]
  1. 地堡位于河岸边隆起的斜坡上。

    The bunkers were situated on a rise that ran up from the river bank .

  2. 侦察中央隆起,实现找油的新突破。

    Make reconnaissance of the central rise in order to gain new leap in oil exploration .

  3. 我靴子底上有隆起的纹路,使我没有滑倒。

    The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping .

  4. 他身高体宽,双肩隆起。

    He was tall and broad with humped shoulders .

  5. 卡车开过路面上的隆起处,颠了一下。

    The truck hit a bump and bounced .

  6. 她把双手放在自己隆起的肚子上。

    She laid her hands on her swollen belly

  7. 他碰得前额隆起一个大包。

    He got a bad bump on his forehead .

  8. 她被人行道上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。

    She tripped over the bump on the sidewalk .

  9. 他双袖上卷,前臂显出隆起的肌肉。

    His forearms , where the sleeves were rolled back , showed bulging muscles .

  10. 研究设计:客观和主观评价腰骶段滑脱患者的骶骨隆起

    Study Design . Quantitatie versus subjective evaluation of sacral doming in lumbosacral spondylolisthesis .

  11. 水桶中部隆起。

    A barrel swells in the middle .

  12. 明显能看到乔治娅的肚子隆起,狗仔队都能清楚地拍到,他们说其他的都已经是往事了。

    Georgia 's BB bump was on full display , the paps were able to snap a clear pic of it , and the rest , as they say , is history .

  13. 局部隆起或凹陷地形中的Love波

    Dispersion of love wave in ridge or Canyon topography

  14. 作为算例,本文给出了局部隆起或凹陷地形中Love波的频散曲线,并与经典结果进行了比较。

    The dispersive curves of Love wave in ridge or canyon topography are given .

  15. 口服胆囊造影CT诊断胆囊隆起性病变

    Diagnosis of Elevated Gallbladder Lesions with Oral Cholecystographic CT

  16. 在局部隆起或凹陷地形中,Love波的频散不但与频率有关,而且受局部地形形状的影响。

    The dispersion of Love wave is found to vary along with the local topography as well as the frequency .

  17. 雪峰隆起北部板溪群板岩伊利石X射线衍射分析显示其经历了低绿片岩相区域变质作用。

    XRD analysis of the Banxi Group slate in the northern Xuefeng Uplift suggest a lower greenschist facies metamorphism .

  18. 目的:探讨螺旋CT多体位扫描及三维成像技术在胃肠道隆起性病变检查中的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical application value of multiple body position scanning and three dimensional imaging of spiral CT in gastrointestinal neoplasm .

  19. 209例患者CT侧位CR像显示鼻咽顶和(或)后壁增厚隆起或鼻咽腔密度增高等表现。

    The CRI showed the thickened roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx or the raised density of the nasopharyngeal cavity on 209 cases .

  20. 婴幼儿期鼻中隔呼吸区粘膜对吸入空气起着重要的温湿作用;小儿外伤性鼻出血的主要原因是由于Little区粘膜的增厚隆起,易被手指擦伤所致。

    Little 's area , because of its bulge , is readily grazed by one 's own finger , which is the main cause of the traumatic epistaxis in young children .

  21. C2期,中央隆起带形成;

    During C2 period , central uplift belts were formed .

  22. 结论2%福尔马林溶液和枸橼酸盐缓冲液适用于AFM标本的制备:正常细胞膜表面隆起与凹陷结构的形态比肿瘤细胞膜规则,大小也较均匀;

    Conclusion 2 % Formaldehyde solution and citrate buffer are fit for the preparation of AFM specimens .

  23. 基坑潜在隆起破裂面的Dijkstra组合优化搜索法

    Study on composite optimization based on Dijkstra algorithm in searching potential bulge fracture plane of foundation pit

  24. 结果:23例食管、贲门隆起病变,25例胃隆起病变,EUS检诊与病理组织学诊断符合率为81%。

    Results : The correct diagnostic rate of EUS was 81 % compared with pathology .

  25. 石炭纪下扬子海盆的演化可以分为3个阶段,即坳陷、隆起、扩展沉陷阶段,它们分别对应于层序A-B、C和D-F。

    The Carboniferous of Lower Yangtze Basin is divided into 3 evolution stages of depression , upwelling and extensional sinking , corresponding to sequences A - B , C and D - F , respectively .

  26. 结论:本资料显示EUS诊断胃隆起病灶具有较高的价值。

    Conclusions Our results showed that EUS had great value in the diagnosis of gastric eminence lesions .

  27. 目的研究接触法经内镜氩离子凝固术(APC)治疗隆起糜烂性胃炎的疗效、效率及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of contact endoscopic argon plasma coagulation ( APC ) for treating protuberant erosive gastritis .

  28. 方法63例隆起糜烂性胃炎患者随机分成A组(非接触法APC治疗组)和B组(接触法APC治疗组);

    Methods 63 patients with protuberant erosive gastritis were randomly divided into groups A and group B , which were treated with non-contact and contact APC , respectively .

  29. 中胸背板明显隆起,形如驼背,英文名humpbackedflies由此特征得来。

    The mesonotum is apparent apophysis , as bow-backed , English name humpbacked flies thus characteristics to come .

  30. G显带染色体出现隆起带区(阳性带区)和凹陷带区(阴性带区),与LM显示的带型相符合。

    Swelled regions ( Positive G-bands ) and invaginated regions ( Negative G-bands or interband regions ) appeared in G-banded chromosomes . This phenomenon corresponded to G-bands in the LM .