
  1. 隆尧秧歌是河北省地方剧种之一,也是第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。

    Longyao Yangge , a local rural folk dance in Hebei province , is the first group of national immaterial cultural inheritance .

  2. 通过本文对隆尧秧歌的艺术风格、特点的研究,希望能够使人们对其有更清楚、更深入的了解和认识,同时对中国的戏曲发展与研究起到一定的启示作用。

    I hope this thesis can help people understand the artistic style and features of Longyao yangge better . Meanwhile , I hope it can contribute to the development and research of Chinese opera .

  3. 在其孕育、成型和发展的过程中,隆尧秧歌积累了传统剧目200余个,内容多表现家庭日常生活中的喜怒哀乐,长于表现劳动人民朴素的爱憎情感和愿望。

    In the process of gestation , moulding and development , it has accumulated more than 200 traditional plays , whose content is mainly about joys and sorrows of life . It is good at expressing the inornate emotion and wish of working people .