
  1. 她婚后随夫姓琼斯。

    Her married name is Jones .

  2. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。

    The majority of British women adopt their husband 's surname when they marry .

  3. 女子出嫁以后通常随夫姓。

    A married woman usually bears her husband 's surname .

  4. 女性婚后必须随夫姓。

    Women are named after their husbands ' family names after marriage .

  5. 然而,在现实中,超过90%的女性婚后随夫姓,而且有些公司要求员工在工作中使用法定姓名。

    In practice , however , more than 90 per cent of women adopt their husband 's name and some companies require staff to work under their legal name .

  6. 出生于1984年的周江疆是杨国兴和周裕香夫妇的独子,随母亲姓周。

    Born in 1984 in Nantong , Jiangsu Province , Zhou was the only son of the couple Yang Guoxing and Zhou Yuxiang and took his mother 's surname .

  7. 从我国传统来看,孩子一般随爸爸姓,尽管也不乏跟妈妈姓的情况。

    Traditionally , the father 's family name is the first choice for a Chinese kid 's surname , although the use of the mother 's name is not uncommon .

  8. 新郎要给予新娘嫁妆,供新娘本身花用,且新娘可以保留自己的姓,而不必改随夫姓。

    A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the Bride for her own personal use , and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband 's.

  9. 我周围有朋友因为父亲是类似“张”,“李”等大众的不能再大众的姓而随母亲姓,好听得不得了。

    I have friends around because my father is similar to " Zhang "," Li " and so the public can no longer the name of the public along with the mother 's maiden name , a very good listen .

  10. 根据对200个新娘的调查报告,有四分之一的女性计划婚后不随夫姓,另外,10个新娘中有一个不愿意穿白纱。

    The findings , revealed in a survey of 200 brides to be , revealed that almost a quarter of women planned on keeping their maiden name after marriage , while one in 10 were planning to wear a colour other than white on their wedding day .

  11. 你只是想让他随你的姓。

    You just want him to have your last name .

  12. 当一位妇女结了婚,她就随丈夫的姓了。

    When a woman gets married , she takes her husbands family name .

  13. 他们给她起名丽萨·妮科尔·伦南,并没有让她随乔布斯的姓。

    They named her Lisa Nicole Brennan , not giving her the last name Jobs .

  14. 清代三姓地区农业经济的兴起与发展婚生子女可随第三姓立场之反思

    The Rise and Development of Agricultural Economics in the Area of Three Family Names in the Qing Dynasty

  15. 上个月,有报道莉莉放弃父性,改随了母姓。

    Last month it was reported that Lily had dropped her father 's surname to use her mother 's instead .

  16. 在中国传统的婚姻观中,女人同男人结婚后,应当与男方家人住在一起,或者夫妻住在由男方家庭购买的房子里,孩子应随男方的姓。

    In a traditional view of marriage in China , a woman marries a man and lives with his family , or the couple lives in their own house , bought by the husband 's family , and their children take the husband 's surname .

  17. 寺田称,该法条并不构成歧视,因为夫妻双方可选择随男方或随女方的姓。

    Mr Terada said the law was not discriminatory because couples could choose the man 's or the woman 's surname .