
  • 网络randomized algorithm
  1. 基于随机化算法的鲁棒控制器设计

    Robust Control Design Based on Randomized Algorithms

  2. 将学习理论与鲁棒控制相结合,采用随机化算法针对实参数不确定系统讨论了鲁棒控制器的设计问题。

    This paper combines learning theory with robust control and discusses robust control design problems involving real parameter uncertainty in control systems based on randomized algorithms .

  3. 基于概率的保持前缀地址随机化算法的安全评估

    Probability Analysis Based Prefix Preserving IP Address Anonymization Scheme Security Evaluation

  4. 随机化算法及其在最小外接圆求解中的应用

    Randomized Algorithm and Its Application in Finding Minimum Circumscribed Circle

  5. 最后给出了重排S-盒的随机化算法。

    The randomized algorithm on rearranging the order of S boxes is given .

  6. 这种算法结合了启发式算法和随机化算法以及局部寻优的思想。

    The proposed algorithm incorporates the thoughts of heuristic algorithm , randomized algorithm and local optimization .

  7. 通过常用算法的实现实例和实验结果,分析随机化算法的基本原理和共同性质,提出设计随机化算法的一般方法,并指出随机化算法的适用范围和有效的随机化算法应具备的特点。

    This paper studies the designing principle and common property of random algorithm by analyzing some instances of algorithms , and gives out a general designing method and principles for constructing random algorithm .

  8. 遗传算法是一类借鉴这种生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制的随机化搜索算法,其主要特点是群体搜索策略和群体中个体之间的信息交换,搜索不依赖于梯度信息。

    GA is a randomization searching algorithm by natural selection and heredity . The characteristic is information exchange between the colony .

  9. 可靠组播中随机化错误恢复算法的改进

    Improvement of Randomized Error Recovery Algorithm for Reliable Multicast

  10. 一种面向大型网络的快速随机化社区挖掘算法

    Fast Randomized Algorithm for Community Detection in Large Networks

  11. 保持前缀地址随机化的混合算法

    A hybrid prefix preserving IP address anonymization algorithm

  12. 生境均质性分析及随机化检验的算法与网络软件

    An algorithm and network software used to detect homogeneity of ecological habitat and its randomization statistic test

  13. 本文从随机化匿名方法及算法两个方面研究社会网络发布中的隐私保护问题。

    In this paper , privacy protection problem of the social network are discussed with two aspects of random anonymous method and algorithm .

  14. 提出的自适应随机化链路状态路由算法利用自适应随机化方法协调、限制各路由器的局域最优要求,有效地解决了路由振荡问题。

    A novel self-adaptively randomized loop-free link state ( ARLS ) algorithm is proposed , which utilizes local information to achieve self-adaptive randomization and harmonize each router 's local performance requests .

  15. 基于随机化的方法是最常使用的一种数据扰动方法,但目前尚未将随机化方法应用于算法无关的隐私保护方法。

    Randomization is the most used data perturbation method , but it doesnot be used for the algorithm – irrelevant privacy protection methods .