
suí hòu
  • subsequently;follow;later;next;near;soon afterwards
随后 [suí hòu]
  • [soon afterwards] 表示紧接某种情况或动作之后

  • 他从书架上拿了一本小说,随后就出门去了

随后[suí hòu]
  1. 你和孩子们去海滨,我办完事随后就去。

    You go to the beach with the kids and I 'll follow on when I 've finished work .

  2. 你先走,我们随后就到。

    You go ahead , and we 'll follow on .

  3. 两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。

    The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week .

  4. 让我把这个弄完,随后就来。

    Let me just finish this and then I 'll come .

  5. 随后把细菌放到显微镜下进行检查。

    The bacteria were then examined under a / the microscope .

  6. 她流着泪离开了房间,所以我随后追了出去。

    She left the room in tears so I went after her .

  7. 他们起初获得成功,但随后有一段惨痛失败的时期。

    Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure .

  8. 在随后的慌乱中他便与父母分散了。

    He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic .

  9. 随后,新的准则发给了所有雇员。

    Subsequently , new guidelines were issued to all employees .

  10. 我们随后移居巴黎,在那里住了六年。

    We then moved to Paris , where we lived for six years .

  11. 随后摆上的饭菜俨然是一桌宴席。

    The meal that followed was a veritable banquet .

  12. 你应该为随后打扫的人着想啊。

    You should spare a thought for the person who cleans up after you .

  13. 我随后把它发送给你。

    I 'll ping it to you later .

  14. 他被怀疑有偷窃行为,随后就辞职了。

    He resigned after being suspected of theft .

  15. 随后玛丽走了进来,我们刚才还在谈论她呢。

    And then Mary , who we had been talking about earlier , walked in .

  16. 随后发生了什么?

    What happened next ?

  17. 她们随后来到后台,对他娇语谄媚。

    They came backstage afterward , cooing and toadying to him .

  18. 这些话随后遭到了军方一位官方发言人的否认。

    Those comments were later disowned by an official army spokesman .

  19. 所有数据随后被转存至主计算机。

    All the data is then dumped into the main computer .

  20. 女王陛下随后出席了午宴,以表示对校长的尊重。

    Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch

  21. 随后会将罪案的详细情况录入到计算机里。

    Details of the crime are then logged in the computer .

  22. 他随后被逮捕,并被控拥有攻击性武器。

    He was then arrested and charged with possessing an offensive weapon

  23. 他的出版社刚刚开始就她随后几本书的出版问题进行商谈。

    His publishing house had just begun negotiating for her next books

  24. 在随后的10年中,两个公司的规模扩大为原来的10倍。

    The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years .

  25. 那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放。

    The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released .

  26. 随后,狂喜的感觉突然开始消失了。

    And then , suddenly , the euphoria began to drain away

  27. 他随后被一辆中巴车带到了军事基地。

    He was then taken by minibus to the military base .

  28. 目击者称警察随后向人群开火。

    Eyewitnesses say the police then opened fire on the crowd .

  29. 你只管先往前走。我随后就来。

    You just go on ahead . I 'll come by later

  30. 别担心,你的行李随后会由出租车送过来。

    Don 't worry , your luggage will come on afterwards by taxi