
  1. 我靠伤残养老金过活。

    I live on an invalidity pension .

  2. 我靠着写书得来的每年约3,000英镑的版税生活。

    I lived on about £ 3,000 a year from the royalties on my book .

  3. 我靠自己的能力成名了,接二连三地获得成功,我觉得一切似乎一帆风顺。

    I made a name for myself and I was on a roll , I couldn 't see anything going wrong .

  4. 我靠常识判断。

    I judge it by common sense .

  5. 我靠在一根柱子上睡着了。

    I fell asleep against a pillar .

  6. 我靠我之所思生存,因此我不能停止思想。

    I exist by what I think and I can 't stop myself from thinking .

  7. 我靠着写书得来的每年约3000英镑的版税生活

    I lived on about ? 3000 a year from the royalties on my book .

  8. 我靠,你得小心她。

    Oh she a shit hot man , you gotta work .

  9. 我靠着这本食谱学会作炒饭。

    I learned how to cook fried rice from this cookbook .

  10. 在黑暗中我靠触感找到了这枚硬币。

    I found the right coin in the dark by touch .

  11. 我靠在超市工作来维持生计。

    I earn my daily bread by working in a supermarket .

  12. 我靠我第一本书赚的钱生活。

    I live off the money from my first book .

  13. 我靠,撒我一身。

    Aw , hell . It 's all over me .

  14. 我靠直觉选择财富管理师。

    I use my instinct to choose a wealth manager .

  15. 我靠..小壳你还好吗哥们

    Holy - Shel ? You all right , buddy ?

  16. 坐在长椅子上,让我靠着你的膝。

    Sit on the settle and let me lean on your knee .

  17. 我靠着喝街边卖的0.65美元的咖啡才坚持了下来。

    I survive off of $ 0.65 street vendor coffee .

  18. 又或是因我靠的太近触摸不到

    Or which I cannot touch because they are too near

  19. 我靠!

    Becky : Oh , shit . Oh , shit .

  20. “我靠的压力,”她说。

    " I thrive on stress ," she said .

  21. 我靠后站,好好欣赏这幅已完成的作品。

    I stood back and admired the finished product .

  22. 那个时候你让我靠在你肩上哭。

    All those times you let me cry on your shoulder about david .

  23. 我靠卖这种医学设备维持生计。

    A medical device ? Sell for a living .

  24. 当我靠着惯性向下滑行时,脸和手都冻僵了。

    As I freewheel downhill , my hands and face suddenly freeze up .

  25. 我靠,莫名其妙的?结婚难道还要“计划”的!?

    Elaine , have you PLAN to get marry ?

  26. 我靠微薄的工资买不起汽车。

    I can 't afford to buy a car on my measly salary .

  27. 基本上,我靠嘴巴以特殊的方式来换现金

    Basically , I use my mouth in strange ways in exchange for cash .

  28. 你就开始向我靠。

    Then you 're to come towards me .

  29. 我靠,那是保罗克鲁吗?

    Holy shit , is that Paul crewe ?

  30. 当我靠得更近些时,刺猬蜷成了一个球。

    As I got closer , the hedgehog rolled itself up into a ball .