
  1. 我曾经为一些项目定义了Eclipse之上的servlet用户界面。

    For some projects , I have defined a servlet user interface over Eclipse .

  2. 记得我曾经为他的赤身裸体感到非常尴尬。

    I remember being quite embarrassed by his lack of clothes .

  3. 我曾经为获得电影中的一个角色而接受面试。

    I was once interviewed for a part in a film .

  4. 我曾经为中彩票奖的妇女把胡子从照片上抹掉。

    I erased the mustache of the woman who won the lottery .

  5. 别忘了我曾经为她工作过。

    Don 't forget that I worked for her once .

  6. 我曾经为一家大型组织的首席经济学家工作。

    I once worked for the chief economist of a very large organisation .

  7. 另一个良师益友是我曾经为其进行交易的一位对冲基金经理。

    Another mentor is a hedge fund manager I used to trade for .

  8. 我曾经为这一刻而生。

    I used to live for this moment .

  9. 去年夏天我曾经为北京国际旅行社做过导游。

    I served as a tour guide for Beijing International Travel Service last summer .

  10. 我曾经为一份工作面试过他。

    I once interviewed him for a job .

  11. 所以,这与我曾经为美国驻外工作相比真的没有太大不同。

    So it 's really not that much different from the postings that I had for the US .

  12. 我曾经为这些孩子们辩护,他们被判了很重的刑。

    And I 've been representing these kids who have been sentenced to do these very harsh sentences .

  13. 我曾经为我的孩子雇佣过一个来自贫困省份的保姆。

    When my children were small we employed a nanny from a poor province on the boarders of Mongolia .

  14. 多年以前,我曾经为你着迷。我不知道我现在是否还爱着你。

    I was all over you several years ago . I don 't know whether I still love you today .

  15. 我曾经为做腹部或肺的穿刺或是复合性骨折手术流汗。

    I 'd sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly , of punctured lungs , of compound fractures .

  16. 在研究生学习期间,我曾经为北京五矿腾龙信息技术有限公司从事“远程控制系统”的软件设计分析和开发工作。

    During the course of the graduate studying , I took charge of analyzing and developing the remote control software for Minmetals Townlord Information Technology Co.

  17. 1.拥有一颗平常心。太多我曾经为其兴奋,为其焦虑,亦或是浪费了我时间以及精力的事情到最后却被证明是无关紧要的。

    Most of it doesn 't matter.So much of what I got excited about , anxious about , or wasted my time and energy on , turned out not to matter .

  18. 另一方面,我曾经为一个咨询公司工作过,生成的那些丑陋代码意味着更多的事情(但这些却并不是我们想做的)。

    On the one hand , I work for a consulting company , and bad generated code just means more business ( although not the type of business we want to be doing ) .

  19. 我曾经为在这个剧院演出的俄罗斯功勋演员维克多·雷阿波夫制作了两部独幕剧以及为德国的木偶剧院“巴布斯卡”制作了另一部独幕剧“睡美人”。

    I have made two mono plays for the Honored actor of Russia Viktor Ryabov who worked in this theatre as well as another mono play " Sleeping Beauty " for the German theatre " Babushka "( Eppingen ) .

  20. 我曾经为限制和控制军备多次提出过建议,这是后代永远抹煞不了的,因此无法把这次战争爆发的责任推到我的头上。

    I have made too many offers for the limitation and control of armaments , which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard , for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me .

  21. 我爸爸曾经为一家贸易公司事情。

    My father used to work for a trading company .

  22. 在我曾经去过为数不多的所有地方中,我怀念北京。

    In I have ever been to a few of all the places , I miss Beijing .

  23. 作为一名兽医,我曾经上门为一只十岁叫做贝克的爱尔兰猎狼犬做检查。

    Being a veterinarian , I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker .

  24. 上校:国会就是政府,先生。我也曾经为政府工作过。

    Colonel William : Congress is government , sir , and I worked for the government once .

  25. 这些是我曾经称呼其为ammu,意为叔叔的人。

    These were the men I called ammu , which means uncle .

  26. 我曾经被称为新阿姆斯特丹,但后于1664年被一位英国公爵重新命名。

    I was once known as New Amsterdam , but I was renamed in 1664 after an English Duke .

  27. 我曾经在发廊里为女士们洗头。

    I worked in a salon washing women 's hair .

  28. 我不会放弃你们曾经为之奋斗的探索,因为我知道:伤痕,是英雄的勋章!

    I ain 't giving up on the searching that you were trying , cause'I know that the scar could be the medal of a hero !

  29. 我曾经问一支为我们开场的乐队,他们愿不愿意到人群中去,传递帽子筹一点额外的钱,我经常这样做。

    I once asked an opening band of mine if they wanted to go out into the crowd and pass the hat to get some extra money , something that I did a lot .

  30. 长久以来一直激励着我,我曾经把它称为描写我的书。

    It has always been an inspiration to me , and I used to call it my identity book .