
  1. 我在马路边的那家旧货商店里,无间中发现了这个银手镯。

    I stumbled across this silver bracelet in the junk shop down the road .

  2. 我在马路边,捡到一分钱,把它交到警察叔叔手里边。

    Working down the street , I picked up one cent . I gave it to the policeman .

  3. 我当时正站在马路边,事故就发生在我的眼前。

    I was standing by the side of the road , so the accident happened under my very eyes .

  4. 所以那意味着我实际上是站在马路边的雨篦子上,就好像我因此能够快一些过马路一样。

    so that means I was actually standing in the street on the storm drain , as if that could get me across faster .