
  • 网络frame;bulkhead;former
  1. LC4铝合金在航空航天等工业中得到了广泛应用,在航空工业中主要用于飞机大梁、隔框、接头等重要承力件。

    LC4 alloy have been used on aerospace industry and others widely , and it is used on main load-carrying structure of airplane , for example girder and bulkhead and junction etc.

  2. 大型钛合金隔框等温闭式模锻成形工艺优化

    Optimization on the Process of Large Titanium Bulkhead Isothermal Closed-Die Forging

  3. 隔框类航空整体结构件变形校正关键技术研究

    Research on key technologies for straightening pocketed aircraft frame parts

  4. 对星形隔框式径向抛掷装置建立了数学模型。

    A mathematical model for radial ejection cluster warheads equipped with star formed frames is given in this paper .

  5. 植物材料的压制方法;对接机构隔框锁的接触碰撞动力学研究及仿真

    Plant materials color protected ; Dynamic simulation and research of structure locks based on contact-impact theory in space docking system

  6. 对7075铝合金板材与隔框模锻件的淬火残余应力进行了理论分析与实验研究。

    Second , the quench-induced residual stresses in rolled7075T73 aluminum plate and forging of bulkhead were investigated by theoretical analysis and experimentation .

  7. 某产品一号肋锻件筋条高、隔框多,形状复杂,工艺成型困难。

    There is a product that the forging of rib No.1 with high stiffeners , multipartitions and complicated shape is difficult to form .

  8. 在透射系数的计算中,考虑了飞行隔框、长桁对蒙皮刚度的影响,从而对透射系数中的刚度项进行了修正。

    The influence of the frames and stringers on the bending rigidity of the aircraft sidewall skin has been taken into account in computation of sound transmission coefficient and the stiffness term in sound transmission loss has been revised .