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  • slalom;steeplechase
  1. 在障碍赛中或类似的比赛中的水池。

    To clear a blockage from ( a drain , for example ) . a pool or stream in a steeplechase or similar contest .

  2. 他是前奥林匹克越野障碍赛冠军。

    He 's a former Olympic steeplechase champion .

  3. 在纽伯里举行的伯克郡障碍赛中“水玉精灵”把骑师掀了下来。

    Crystal Spirit unseated his rider in the Berkshire Hurdle at Newbury

  4. 我从小就爱马,曾是一名青少年马术障碍赛选手。

    I loved horses as a child and was a junior show jumper .

  5. 如果在马术障碍赛中被淘汰,就意味着完全出局。

    If you are eliminated in the show-jumping then you are out of the complete competition .

  6. 据英国场地障碍赛马队教练说,“整个赛场太大,对技术的要求也高,比赛起来很困难。”

    According to the British show jumping team manager , ' It 's a pig of a course — much too big and also very technical . '

  7. 盛装舞步骑术、障碍赛和三日赛每个项目包括个人和团体比赛。

    Jumping and three-day event-each with individual and team competition .

  8. 消遣每一个能想象得到的娱乐项目,从跳跃障碍赛到塑料充气城堡

    every conceivable distraction from show jumping to bouncy castles .

  9. 就获得男子山地大回转障碍赛和障碍滑雪的两块金牌。

    Winning both the giant slalom and the slalom .

  10. 你主要是管平地赛马还是障碍赛吗?

    Do you mostly have flat racers or jumpers ?

  11. 我们小小的公寓房子里立即变成了障碍赛训练场,到处扔满了毛绒动物、玩具和游戏用具。

    Our small apartment soon became an obstacle course littered with stuffed animals , toys , and games .

  12. 不管是盛装舞步、障碍赛还是三日赛,骑手和赛马只有很好地合作,才能以得好成绩。

    Whether it is dressage , show jumping , or three-day event , good results won 't occur unless the rider and the horse cooperate well .

  13. 我在国家物理实验室运动会上赢得了1公里和0.5公里的比赛,还有俱乐部的3公里比赛,以及莫茨帕拉公园的3公里障碍赛。

    I won the 1 mile and 1 / 2 mile at the NPL sports , also the 3 miles club championship and a 3-mile handicap at Motspur Park .

  14. 本周一的最大热点是障碍赛,戴着大胡子的圣诞老人要先跑过一个雪橇,再爬上一座小冰山,然后再从一个假烟囱上爬下来。

    One of Monday 's highlights was the obstacle course , where bearded Kris Kringles raced past a sleigh and up a small hill built of ice before climbing down a fake chimney .

  15. 位于奥林匹克公园内的四个多功能运动场将可以确保障碍赛、现代五项、排球、手球和篮球等比赛成为众人瞩目的赛事。

    Four multi-sport arenas within the Olympic Park will ensure that competitors in the Fencing , Modern Pentathlon , Volleyball , Handball and Basketball events would be right at the heart of the action .

  16. 它是对两匹或多匹马速度的检验,包括不同盛装舞步赛,有鞍纯种马赛场赛和障碍赛。

    It is trials of speed between two or more horses , and involves races among harnessed horses with different gaits , saddled thoroughbreds along a flat track , and saddled horses over an obstacle course .

  17. 他表示,很重要的一点是,要考虑到新生儿待在特护室的长达数月的时间里,可能会“像参加障碍赛,或是坐飞机时遇到了严重的气流,每一次下降都可能会影响大脑”。

    He said it was important to consider that long months in neonatal units can be " like riding an obstacle course or flying in a plane with bad turbulence , and each of these down spirals can have an impact on the brain . "

  18. 竞技(美国人称为田径)项目将保留下来,游泳、高山和越野滑雪、速滑、帆船、赛艇和皮划艇、场地障碍赛、射箭、击剑、摔跤、举重以及其他所有不涉及评委打姿态分的运动项目也应被保留。

    Athletics ( track and field to Americans ) would stay , as would swimming , Alpine and cross-country skiing , speed skating , yachting , rowing and kayaking , show jumping , archery , fencing , wrestling , weightlifting and all other sports that do not involve judges awarding style points .

  19. 路径位于两竖直的杆之间的一通道,滑雪运动员在障碍滑雪赛中必须通过。

    A passage between two upright poles through which a skier must go in a slalom race .

  20. 在平昌高山滑雪中心,主办方已安装了三台泵站,用于支持250个雪炮造雪。这里将举行障碍滑雪赛和大回转高山滑雪赛。

    At the Yongpyong Alpine Centre - which will host slalom and giant slalom alpine skiing races - 250 snow guns served by three pumping stations have been installed .

  21. 一些最激动人心的比赛瞬间涉及越野滑雪赛中的终点录像所抓拍的细节,以及在慢动作视频中见到的在障碍滑雪赛中钩起的雪橇前端导致的冲撞。

    Some of the most breathtaking moments of the games involve details captured in photo finishes in cross country skiing and hooked ski tips leading to crashes in the slalom seen in slow-motion video .