
  • 网络insoluble compound
  1. 在铬渣湿法解毒研究领域,采用何种方式经济有效的浸出铬渣中难溶化合物中的Cr(Ⅵ)是关键。

    It is important to choose an economical way to leach the Cr ( VI ) in insoluble compounds of COPR effectively in the research field of wet process of COPR .

  2. 研究结果表明,5-Fu可与汞电极阳极极化,产生的Hg(Ⅱ)在电极表面生成难溶化合物Hg-5-Fu,该化合物具有链状大分子结构。

    It is shown that 5-Fu can combine with Hg (ⅱ) generated by anodic polarization forming an insoluble complex on electrode surface , The Hg-5-Fu complex is deemed to be a macromolecule with chain structure .

  3. 氨浸渣中的Zr,Zn等元素可与受腐蚀的铁或与环境中的SO42-反应,生成惰性氧化物或难溶化合物,具有化学防腐作用。

    Ammonia leaching residue with rich contents of Zr , Zn and other trace elements can react with corroded ferrite or with other corrosive materials , such as SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ), to form indifferent oxides or undissolvable compounds , resulted in the effect of chemical anticorrosion .

  4. 难溶化合物能与酸反应,转化为可溶化合物;

    The undissolved compound can dissolved in acid ;

  5. 用铅离子选择电极研究难溶化合物组分的络合平衡

    A study on complexation equilibria of components of slightly soluble compounds with a lead ion-selective electrode

  6. 该文给出了一个计算难溶化合物溶解度的通用程序,并对其应用进行了讨论。

    N this paper , we have given a common calculating program for the solubility of insoluble compounds and discussed the applied possibility of the program .

  7. 自然黄土处于氧化状态(Eh>400mv),铁以高价难溶化合物形式存在;

    The natural loess is in the state of oxidation ( Eh > 400mv ), so the existential conformation of ferrum presents in high valence infusible compound .

  8. 处理中添加精制生物有机肥,由于含腐植酸等含量较高,更容易、更快与重金属络合形成难溶化合物,从而有效降低其活性。

    Processing refined biological fertilizer , adding due to contain high levels of humic acid etc , easier , faster and heavy metal complex formed undissolved compound , thus effectively reduce its activity .

  9. 难溶金属化合物在树脂上的吸附率与溶液pH值的关系与采用活性碳作吸附剂的情况十分相似。

    The dependence of the adsorbability of slightly water soluble metal compounds on the pH value of the solution is very similar to that with activated carbon as adsorbent .

  10. 难溶铋化合物溶度积的多值性问题

    On the problem of polyfunctional solubility products for bismuth compounds

  11. 肥料中的速效磷很容易与土壤中的铁、铝生成难溶的化合物,而且磷在土壤中的运动速度很慢,植物体难以吸收利用。

    The plant-available phosphorus can form insoluble compounds with iron and aluminium , which greatly reduces the utilization efficiency of P fertilizers .

  12. 以后难溶性磷酸盐仍会被释放出来为作物吸收.铅在体内形成难溶性化合物;

    The formed afterwards insoluble phosphate in soil can be released and used by the crop again .