
  1. 通过冥思或起到集中思维。

    Focus your mind through meditation or prayer .

  2. 我发现跑步能使我集中思维。

    I find running concentrates the mind .

  3. 同时探析创造性思维的基本构成,认为它的基本成分是扩散思维与集中思维。

    Third , the paper analyzes the basic composition of creative thinking , which consists of diffusing thinking and concentrative thinking .

  4. 反过来,男性可能在集中思维方面更为出色,这需要他们将注意力一次只放在一件事情上。

    Men , in turn , may be better wired for more-focused tasks that require attention to one thing a time .

  5. 创造性思维是逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的统一,是扩散思维和集中思维的统一,是潜意识和显意识的统一。重视学生发散思维与集中思维的培养;

    Creative thinking is a unification of logical and illogical , extensive and intensive , subconscious and conscious thoughts . to focus on developing students ' distract thinking and concentrate thinking ;

  6. 指出篮球裁判员应具备健全的心理素质品质,才能做到情绪稳定,注意力集中,思维敏捷,意志坚强,不为外界干扰所影响,达到执法公正,判罚准确的最佳境界。

    This paper points out that the perfect psychological quality can make the basketball referees stabilize mood , centralize attention , thought agile , will strong , removes the external interference , referee accurately and fairly .

  7. 综合对学习者的观察和一线教师的体验,发现学习问题主要集中在思维转换、认知方法和元认知能力三个方面,而且各类问题有其形成的原因和表现。

    Colligate the observation and the experiences from experienced teachers in front line , we 'll find that the learning embarrassment is centralized in three aspects including the conversion between different thinking manners , learning strategies and meta-cognition .

  8. 本研究认为工人阶级应当向现代人转变,向现代人的转变集中体现为思维方式的转变。

    This study concludes that the proletariat of China must change to modern human , the change way to modern human mainly reflects on the transfer of thinking mode .

  9. 其中客车车身结构概念设计阶段对于整车开发具有重要意义,是保证整车性能、设计质量及可靠性的重要阶段,是集中体现创造性思维的阶段。

    Among them , the concept design stage has a great significance to the vehicle development , as it is an important stage to ensure the vehicle performance , design quality and reliability , and is also a stage of concentrated expressing creativity .

  10. 心理的稳定自控、注意集中;智力的思维敏捷、预判准确是战术运用的前提。

    The stable self-control , concentration , a sharp mind and precise anticipation are the precondition of tactic using .

  11. 自我监控在整个智力活动中处于支配地位,集中反映一个人思维和智力的发展水平。

    Self-regulation dominates the whole thinking activity , also , it can reflect the level of development on solvers ' thinking and intelligence .

  12. 1990年代关于《巴黎手稿》尤其是“美的规律”的重新讨论,集中体现了以上思维模式对于美学研究的局限。

    The re-discussion in 1990 on Paris Manuscripts , particularly on " Law of Beauty ", sufficiently revealed the confinement of the above-mentioned thinking to aesthetic study .

  13. 结果受试运动员的注意力集中能力和操作思维两项心理特征都有较大程度地提高,运动员的心理控制能力,比赛时的信心和技术的发挥都有了较显著的进步。

    Result The attention focus ability and handle thinking of two mental diathesis of athletes were all improved more great extent , the ability of mental control , the belief and technology of athletes when they compete have been make obvious progress .