
  • 网络integrator;aggregator
  1. 服务供应链中服务集成商竞争优势影响因素的案例研究

    The Case Study of Competitive Advantage to Service Integrator in Service Supply Chain

  2. 服务集成商有哪些竞争优势?

    Which competitive advantages does Service Integrator have ?

  3. 系统集成商和电信运营商之间是商对商,或企业间的业务(BusinesstoBusiness)关系。

    The relationship between SI and telecom operation is a kind of business to business relationship .

  4. SOA完全由厂商、分析师和集成商驱动。

    It is totally driven by major vendors , analysts , and integrators .

  5. 因此对集成商而言,维护自己开发的SOAP栈的成本快速增长。

    As a consequence , the maintenance cost of homemade SOAP stacks grows rapidly .

  6. 由于当时标准的大型机SOAP栈还没有出现,大部分以大型机为中心的集成商不得不开发自己的SOAP栈。

    Because no native mainframe SOAP stacks existed at the time , most mainframe-centric integration vendors felt compelled to develop homemade SOAP stacks .

  7. 大型机集成商很早就采用了面向服务架构(SOA),这导致了受SOA启发的第一代大型机集成解决方案的出现。

    Mainframe integration vendors have very early on adopted Service Oriented Architectures ( SOA ), leading to a first generation of SOA-inspired mainframe integration solutions .

  8. 他为欧洲的客户和主要系统集成商提供MDM体系结构和MDM解决方案。

    He provides MDM architecture and MDM solution workshops to customers and major system integrators across Europe .

  9. OASIS期望这一事件能吸引一些CIO、系统集成商和IT部门的高级成员听众。

    OASIS is expecting the event to attract an audience of CIOs , system integrators and senior members of IT .

  10. 服务集成商(SI)看准这一时机,通过提供了有偿消息服务而获得收益,因此企业、用户和SI对短信消息服务业务的需求都很大。

    Service integrators ( SI ) have seized this opportunity and got profit from paid services . Enterprises , users and service integrators have large demands for short message services .

  11. VCA供应商已经持续建立与视频管理软件供应商和安防系统集成商的强有力的伙伴关系。

    VCA vendors have continued to build strong partnerships with video management software providers and security systems integrators .

  12. 和传统的语音交互系统相比,本平台采用了国际标准的VoiceXML编写应用流程,其业务流程的定义在不同系统集成商之间可实现兼容。

    Compared with other Voice-interactive System , it can compose applications using VoiceXML and is compatible with different providers .

  13. CMIS标准提供了新的可能性,使得业务合作伙伴和系统集成商可以轻松而又有效地集成内容管理系统。

    The CMIS standard opens new possibilities for business partners and systems integrators to easily and effectively integrate content management systems .

  14. 随着网络客户对服务质量(QoS)要求的提高,网络服务集成商(WSI)开始更加关注网络客户的个性化需求。

    With the increasing quality of service ( QoS ) requirement by network customers , web service integrators ( WSIs ) begin paying more attention to their individual needs .

  15. 这样可用于多个企业共同合作的场景,尽管供应商或系统集成商等存在变更。SOARA提供一种常见的分类系统和术语表来设计、构建和描述SOA解决方案。

    As such it can be used in situations where multiple companies are partnering , in spite of changes in vendors or systems integrators , etc. The SOA RA provides a common taxonomy and terminology for designing , building and describing SOA solutions .

  16. 不像系统集成商,ISV可以创建通用目标的解决方案,他们出售这些方案,包括定制服务,为那些喜欢用现成的解决方案的公司定制他们的解决方案。

    Unlike Systems Integrators , ISVs create general purpose business solutions which they resell , along with customization services , to companies who prefer off-the-shelf solutions to custom solutions .

  17. 此外,系统集成商通常涉及到大量的重写或者更新的项目,在他们的投标中,EGL将是一个很大的优势,特别是在结合自动化转换工具的使用时。

    Moreover , Systems Integrators are often involved in large rewriting or modernization projects , and EGL can become a significant advantage in their bids , especially when used in combination with automated transformation tools .

  18. PTO的成员包括硬件供应商、软件供应商、系统供应商以及终端客户和操作人员、科研机构、大学、分销商和系统集成商。

    Members of the PTO include vendors of hardware , software and systems as well as end users and operators , scientific institutes , universities , distributors , and system integrators .

  19. 近年来,全球及国内的系统集成市场在技术、客户等方面发生了很大的变化,XX系统集成公司作为成立仅三年的系统集成商,面临着前所未有的挑战。

    In recent years , the global and Chinese system integration has taken place prodigious changes in the technology and customers . The XX system integration company is confronted with unbeknown challenge as a new dealer of three years history in the system integration trade .

  20. 宽带娱乐市场为服务提供商和内容集成商提供了许多新的发展机会。

    Broadband Recreational Market brings lots of new opportunities to CP / SP.

  21. 城市轨道交通弱电系统集成商的选择

    The Contractor of Weak Electric System in Urban Mass Transit

  22. 开放的标准能为开发人员、集成商和最终用户提供一种选择。

    An open standard gives developers , integrators and end-users a choice .

  23. 作为一个系统集成商,我们期待谁的合作伙伴提供最佳的一流技术和设备。

    As a systems integrator , we look for partners who provide best-in-class technology and equipment .

  24. 从而使公司成为“知识产权价值链的系统服务商和系统集成商”。

    Consequently , CASIP will become the excellent supplier and integrator of the IPR value chain .

  25. 本地和全球的系统集成商

    Regional and Global Systems Integrators

  26. 因此,现在很多有需求的企业已经开始纷纷在本地就近选择有实力的系统集成商提供解决方案。

    Therefore the enterprises already have chosen some integration businesses in locally nearby to provide the solution .

  27. 集成商可以定制各种高度,宽度和深度的保管箱来满足特定规格的要求。

    Integrators can order lockboxes in varying heights , widths , and depths to fit specific size requirements .

  28. 服务集成商可以依次选择其他厂商的服务组件来构建他们要提供的服务。

    Service integrators in turn may choose to build their offerings by using service components from other vendors .

  29. 例如,世界最大的系统集成商最近在敏捷开发商投入了经多的精力。

    For example , the world 's largest system integrators have recently put more focus on agile development .

  30. 通信运营商,设备制造商、设备供应商、系统集成商,网络服务商及使用部门;

    Communication operators , equipment manufacturers , equipment providers , system integrators , network service providers and users ;