
  1. 本文研究了一类具有进出口权的特大型国有贸易型企业针对单一商品的双渠道集成采购与营销组合联合决策问题。

    This thesis studies the joint decision of dual sourcing and marketing mix strategies for a single product of one type of large state-owned trading enterprises , which have been granted the import and export rights .

  2. 系统集成企业采购与供应链管理研究

    Study of Procurement Supply Chain Management in SI

  3. 数据仓库技术可以抽取不同政府采购管理系统的历史数据,并对其进行转换和加载,最后集成政府采购数据仓库。

    Data warehouse technology can extract historical data form different government procurement management system , transition and loading of the data , and integrate government purchasing data warehouse .

  4. 将信用管理、商品专家、商品推理集成到跨国采购信息系统,能够为跨国采购者提供一定程度的决策支持。

    Integrating credit management , commodity specialist and illation of commodity chains into the global sourcing information system can provide a certain level of decision-making for the global sourcing operators .

  5. 供应链集成下的采购管理是供应链管理的重要内容之一,基于供应链的采购管理模型利用现代信息技术的成果解决了供应链中核心企业与供应商之间的联系问题。

    The purchase management under the supply chain integration is one of the important contents of the supply chain management . On the basis of supply chain , the model of the purchase management solves the problem of the contacting between the enterprises and the supplier .