
jí tuán ɡōnɡ sī
  • company group;group company
  1. 完善A集团公司资产管理制度研究

    The Research on Feasibility of Asset Management System in A Company Group

  2. 陕西省投资集团公司实现可持续发展的战略调整研究

    Research into the Strategic Adjustment of Sustainable Development of the Shaanxi Provincial Investment Company Group

  3. 尹力,全国政协委员、中国电影集团公司一级导演

    Yin Li , director at China Film Group Corporation

  4. 中国国家航天局与俄罗斯国家航天集团公司将就国际月球科研站的规划、设计、建设以及运营等事宜进行商讨,合作建设并运营该科研站。

    The CNSA and Roscosmos will negotiate on matters about the international lunar research station 's planning , design , construction and operations , and will work together to build and run it .

  5. 本文首先设计了电力工程项目管理模式&由发电集团公司组建PM企业(ProjectManagementEnterprise)管理工程建设项目;

    Firstly , the author designs the project management model & the group corporation setting up the Project Management Enterprise .

  6. ABC集团公司内部控制制度设计研究

    The Study on Internal Control System Design of ABC Group Company

  7. 华中电力集团公司SDH环网的网同步改进

    Synchronizing modification of the SDH loop in central China power group

  8. CRM在武钢集团公司的应用研究

    Practical Research on CRM Application in WISCO

  9. TT集团公司的组织执行力研究

    Executive Force Study on Executing Capacity of TT Group

  10. 然后对集团公司应用ERP软件实现业务财务集成进行了研究。

    After that , the study will explore the implementation of ERP to realize integration of business and finance in conglomerates .

  11. 中石化集团公司与国外石化大公司相比管理上存在一定差距,加入WTO以后将面临极大的压力。

    Due to falling behind foreign large petrochemical companies in management , China Petrochemical Corporation ( SINOPEC ) will confront more pressures while China enters WTO .

  12. 中国石油化工集团公司(SinopecGroup)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司的基础上重组成立的特大型石油化工企业集团。

    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ( Sinopec Group ) established in 1998 , which based on the reorganization of the Oversize Oil Chemical Industry Group .

  13. 《案例》:AB电力集团公司

    AB Power Group Company

  14. 第五章、HY集团公司全面预算管理存在的问题及分析。

    The problems of comprehensive budget management in HY Group and its analysis .

  15. TCL公司是一家生产消费类电子产品的大型国有控股集团公司。

    TCL company is a grand state owned company group , which producesconsumable electronic products .

  16. 根据集团公司的整体目标,针对试点矿羊场湾煤矿的基础环境分析,设计了煤炭企业基于IP平台数据资源标准草案和数字化矿山的解决方案。

    According to the overall goal of the group company , a solution of draft which was based on IP platform about the data resource standard and digital mine were designed .

  17. 运用管理会计研究的结构理论和制度理论的框架,对山东东阿阿胶集团公司应用ERP的案例进行了剖析。

    Using the frameworks of structure theory and institution theory in the study of management accounting , this paper analyses an ERP case applied in Shandong Dong'e E-Jiao Group .

  18. 本文针对云南电力集团公司提出的信息航母计划,对在J2EE平台上开发B/S结构的企业级应用程序进行了一定的分析、研究和实践工作。

    In this paper , we analyze and practise the enterprise-level application of B / S structure developed on J2EE platform , which is in the Information-Flattop Plan proposed by Yunnan electric power company .

  19. 本文针对邯钢集团公司连铸连轧厂CSP(CompactStripPlant)生产线,系统地介绍了生产线的设备及工艺流程。

    Concerning to the CSP ( Compact Strip Plant ) production line in Handan Iron and Steel Group Company Limited , the authors give a systematic introduction on the equipment and process of the production line .

  20. 本文以山东电力集团公司全员绩效管理为研究对象,从系统整合理论和嵌入性理论出发,在分析电网企业特性和绩效管理问题基础上,提出了基于ERP系统的全员绩效量化管理模式。

    From the system integration theory and embedability theory aspects , it analysis the features of power grid enterprises and performance management problem , and put forward all-staff performance quantitative management model based on ERP .

  21. 十五期间,在国家863计划支持下,由中国测绘科学研究院和中国船舶重工集团公司成功研制我国第一套水下GPS定位系统。

    In the " Tenth Five-Year " period , under the support of the National 863 Program , Chinese Academic of Surveying and Mapping and the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation successfully developed the first set of underwater GPS system .

  22. 文章最后提出了FG集团公司实施出口转内销营销策略和保障措施。

    In summary , the author , forwarded marketing strategies and supporting measures for FG Group Corporation to take on domestic sales of export-oriented commodities .

  23. 本文针对中国第一重型机械集团公司,给出了企业CIMS应用工程总体设计的实例,以供参考。

    ? Being aimed at China First Heavy Machinery Group Corporation , this paper introduces the general design for a project of enterprise CIMS , and an example is given for reference .

  24. 从SQ集团公司入手,通过与汽车产业行业比较分析,描述集团公司现行财务控制模式存在的主要问题和主要成效。

    From the SQ group of auto industry , through comparative analysis , described the current control mode of group company financial problems and major achievements .

  25. CN集团公司自成立以来,经过了三个发展阶段,从政府机构转为市场化经营,又实现了集团化扩张,企业规模不断扩大,实现了快速发展。

    Since CN Investment Group Company founded , after three historical stages . From public sector turn to the property market companies , Realize collectivization expansion , The enterprise scale unceasingly expands .

  26. 本文结合KLT集团公司这一案例,对基于创新的国际化战略问题进行了探讨和研究,并在理论分析的基础上,针对公司国际化战略规划中存在的具体问题提出了优化方案。

    Referring to the case of KLT Group , the article makes an intensive research about the international strategy based on innovation .

  27. 介绍了HSE管理体系的概念和内涵及中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)实施HSE管理体系的概况。

    The concept and connotation of the health-safety-environment ( HSE ) management system , as well as the implementation of HSE in CNPC ( China National Petroleum Corporation ) are introduced .

  28. GILDEMEISTER集团公司在上海开设新厂GILDEMEISTER集团公司第一个建立在欧洲以外地区的机床生产基地&发展中的中国市场

    GILDEMEISTER unveils new plant in Shanghai Eleventh site is first outside Europe-growth market China

  29. 在借鉴西方集团公司财务控制模式的基础上,结合我国实际,对构建SQ集团公司财务控制模式设计进行阐述。

    In the western group company financial control mode , combining the reality of our country , On the construction of SQ of group company financial control mode design of .

  30. 本课题作为中国石油天然气集团公司“X80级管线钢管热煨弯管技术研究”的一部分。

    This research topic is an integral part of the " Research on the Heat-stewed BendTechnology of X80 Pipe Steel " by CNPC .