
  • 网络Contract Company;limited liability company
  1. 对这一点,著名的军事合同公司“黑水”的创办人埃里克·普林斯予以否认。

    Eric Prince , founder of Blackwater , a well-known military contracting firm , denied any wrongdoing by his employees .

  2. 今天,众议院议员在国会山询问4家主要合同公司的代表,他们是在进行政府医保网站项目的公司。

    On Capitol Hill today , House lawmakers grilled representatives of 4 major contracting companies , that worked on the government health insurance website .

  3. 目前,我国中小型加工装配企业的经营模式主要是承接订单,进行来料加工装配,并随时根据合同公司情况调整生产状态。

    At the present time , the management mode of processing and assembly enterprises mainly is accepting the domestic or foreign company 's order , machining raw materials and assembling semi-manufactured goods according to contract .

  4. 如果Lockheed,Martin公司,没有得到合同的公司怎么办?

    If Lockheed Martin what happens to the companies that didn 't get the contract ?

  5. 公司称,康泰纳零售连锁店(ContainerStore)等大客户,以及超过90%的其他客户都续签了包年合同,公司2011年的收入达到了1500万美元。

    With big clients like the container store and more than 90 % of customers renewing their annual contracts , according to the company the Silicon Valley firm says it pulled in $ 15 million in 2011 .

  6. 这些官员打好了主意,要好好敲诈一下那些想谋取市政府合同的公司。

    The officials have plotted to squeeze money from companies seeking city business .

  7. 本合同经公司及其员工的同意。

    This instrument is the entire agreement of the Company and the Employee .

  8. 在美国,合同对公司的商业活动具有强大的约束力。

    In the United States , the contract is a strong binding force for businesses .

  9. 这个部门正力图使投标争取政府合同的公司之间进行更公平的竞争。

    The Department is trying to ensure fairer competition among firms bidding for government contracts .

  10. 内部法律关系主要体现在以下三个方面:一是母公司运用股权和控制合同对子公司进行管理和控制;

    In part three what is mainly expounded is the legal relation between parent company and subsidiary .

  11. 她还概述了自己如何通过更换供应商和重新商议合同为公司节省了资金。

    The 27-year-old also outlined how she 'd saved the company money by switching vendors and renegotiating contracts .

  12. 摒弃那些无利可图的工厂、合同以及公司再也无法负担的债务。

    Unprofitable plants , contracts and other liabilities that the company can no longer afford will be left behind .

  13. 通过合作协议或合同与公司建立业务关系,为公司业务提供帮助的实体或个人。

    An entity or individual affiliated with a company through partnership or contract to assist the company in its business .

  14. 技术手册、法律合同和公司网站常常包含在不同版本中重复出现的文本。

    Technical manuals , legal contracts , and corporate Web sites usually contain text that is repeated in every published version .

  15. 票据制度与合同、公司制度一起,构成了市场经济三大基本工具。

    Voucher system , along with the contract , the company system , constitute the three basic tools of the market economy .

  16. 论违反行政法规强制性规定的合同效力公司法授权性与强制性规范配置的原则和领域

    On the validity of contracts violating the mandatory provision of administrative regulation ; The Principles and Field in Allocation of Authoritative Rules and Mandatory Rules in the Company Law

  17. 在国外,客户出于各种各样的原因,如融资、所得税、遗产税、赠与税、购销合同及公司产权转换等,要求进行企业价值评估。

    In America , the business valuations are performed due to various reasons such as financing , income taxation , inheritance tax , donation tax , sales contracts and ownership transformation between entities .

  18. 通过资本参与和控制合同,公司之间形成关联,关联公司进行关联交易以达到优化公司资产质量,改善经营状况的目的。

    The companies become affiliated by capital participating and contract controlling . Then the affiliated companies carry out affiliated transactions , aiming to optimize the capital quality of the companies and improve the management condition .

  19. 即便是签订了供应或租赁合同的公司也不可能在放下新机器的时候捡起旧机器,因为交付新产品与回收旧设备可能发生在不同时间。

    Even companies with supply or leasing contracts cannot simply pick up old machines when they drop off new ones , since the delivery of new products might occur at a different time from the retrieval of old equipment .

  20. 通过比较分析,合资企业+技术许可合同是公司迄今为止用得比较多的一种方式,实践证明该种模式也是引进技术最成功的方式。

    By comparative analysis , the model , joint venture with contracts for licensing of technology , has been more widely used by the company . It is proved that the modle is also the most successive one for technology introduction .

  21. 这个合同确保本公司今年的利润。

    This contract assures the company 's profit this year .

  22. 位于加州霍桑的太空探索技术公司获得了一份26亿美元的合同,该公司更广为人知的名字是SpaceX。

    Space Exploration Technologies better known as SpaceX , of Hawthorne , Calif. received a $ 2.6 billion contract .

  23. 该名工人一直在同OMV签有合同的SPIE公司工作。

    The French man had been working for French engineering company SPIE under contract to OMV .

  24. 它为选手们提供与19Entertainment娱乐公司的合同,那个公司是《美国偶像》的创始人西蒙·福勒(SimonFuller)创立的,该公司认为品牌包装和唱功一样重要。

    It offered contestants a contract with 19 Entertainment , founded by the " Idol " creator Simon Fuller , and it emphasized the importance of branding and packaging as much as the need for vocal chops .

  25. 经过长期的价格谈判,澳大利亚WoodsidePetroleum上周四敲定了该国金额最大的一笔出口合同,该公司签署了一项初步协议,将价值高达450亿澳元的液化天然气出售给中石油。

    After long talks on price , Australia 's Woodside Petroleum on Thursday clinched the country 's biggest export contract when it signed an outline agreement to sell up to A $ 45bn worth of LNG to PetroChina .

  26. 日本最大军火生产商三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)的社长宫永俊一(ShunichiMiyanaga)表示,该公司正寻求扩大对海外的军火销售。为赢得澳大利亚一笔价值360亿美元的潜艇合同,该公司调整了相关努力。

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , Japan 's biggest arms producer , is taking aim at more deals to sell its weapons abroad , according to its chief executive , as it revamps efforts to win a $ 36bn submarine contract from Australia .

  27. 这种合同使得保险公司失去机会重新评估风险的大小。

    Such contracts deprive insurers of the opportunity to recalibrate risks .

  28. 丢掉这份合同对这个公司来说是一个沉痛的打击。

    Losing the contract was a cruel blow for the company .

  29. 这项大的保险合同由许多公司分担。

    The large insurance contract was laid off among many corporations .

  30. 签订此项合同对本公司的前途至关重要。

    Getting this contract is crucial to the future of our company .